Are Muse just a crap version of Radiohead?

Are Muse just a crap version of Radiohead?

  • Total voters
You can't even spell crap

EDIT: Never mind...
I voted E - Smashed.

I would also like to log an A vote please.

Oh, and He-Man too.
They are brilliant.
I voted for He-man because I've been a bit hard on Smashed lately.

Smashed, I am sorry for being a prick to you.
Oh my goodness some laughable shit in here. I may have to leave to stop myself vomiting at the human race.

Never trust someone who doesn't like Radiohead. It is inevitable that they are a complete prawn.

And to mention Muse (wanky self indulgent scremo with awful lyrics and a talentless drummer) in the same breath as Radiohead is incomprehensible.

Baby Alligators in the sewers grow up fast.
This poll is badly set up, the anti-Muse vote has been totally split

You'll pay for this Mehro

You're right.

I felt compelled to vote for Smashed and as such neglected my anti Muse voting powers.

Damnit Mehro :mad:
Think I had their 1st album on minidisk!!!, heard some of their newer stuff to. V good at what they do and apprently put on a great live show. Stupid to say that they are crap. Not a huge fan but they are streets ahead of some of the shit out there at present.
I saw Muse in Florida not too long ago, they opened for My Chemical Romance.

They are great, but even better live.

They'll never be as good as Radiohead, IMO. Ok Computer is a very big album in my collection, truly one of my favorite albums as was The Bends.
Muse are a very good band, but Radiohead are the makers of some of the greatest albums ever created.

There's no comparison.
You heard.

This is in comparison to the actual genius that is Radiohead. If you do one thing in your life, get in to Radiohead. You will soon flush a band like Muse away.

The priest god never paid:lol::lol::lol: come on!

Well to be honest im undecided about Radiohead, some of the tracks I hear are feckin brilliant, yet others bore me to death.

My liking for Muse is more consistent, I seem to like most things they release nowadays. But to call them "screamo" garbage is just silly :p
Are Radiohead better than Muse? Yes
Are Muse a shit version of Radiohead? No, they are nothing alike!

You can't compare these 2 bands like that, when the music they produce is very different!