Are all DVD Recorders like this or is mine just retarded?


Full Member
Dec 12, 2006
Whatever happens, there are always things you coul
I bought a dvd recorder (the brand is citizen) and I can't play any of the dvd's I record of it on the dvd player we have in the living room. This is really annoying since the tv in my room is 19" and the one in living room is 27" and if I want to play movies or football games on it, I have to carry the dvd recorded downstairs and set it up in the living room:(. Are all dvd recorded like this or is it just mine?
I was thinking about buying one of those but I'm always very sceptic when it comes to new untested technology. Even if it's been out for a while you still can't be sure if it's good enough to buy. I'll probably wait one more year until I get one of those.
Can your dvd player read recordable dvd's? Does sound a bit spastic.

I don't know if it can read recordable dvd's. I assumed dvd players are just like vcr's. You insert and cd and it starts playing. The dvd player is old, about 5 years old I think so I think GB is right that my player probably can't read the newer formats (didn't know newer formats existed). I guess I have to buy a new one.
Would any new dvd player I buy read recordable dvd's or should I specifically ask the salesperson for dvd player that reads recordable dvd's and also read's regular dvd's?
Oh, I thought that you had bought a new one and it didn't work.
what's the difference between a + player and a - player.

You get,

DVD-R (standard record once dvd)
DVD-RW (Re-Write disks, use a bit like you would a floppy)

and then,

DVD+R (as above -R)
DVD+RW (as above -RW)

Basically some players play one format, some players play the other and some play both. With yours being about 5 years old there is a chance yours might be format specific, check your manual if you have one.
Oh, I thought that you had bought a new one and it didn't work.

no, the dvd recorder works really well. I am very happy with it. If you looking to buy a dvd recorder I would suggest this one. I don't know the model but I'll look it up when I get home from work, its really good. The old dvd player I have is the one that's acting up.
You get,

DVD-R (standard record once dvd)
DVD-RW (Re-Write disks, use a bit like you would a floppy)

and then,

DVD+R (as above -R)
DVD+RW (as above -RW)

Basically some players play one format, some players play the other and some play both. With yours being about 5 years old there is a chance yours might be format specific, check your manual if you have one.

thanks, I'll look it up :D.