Anyone here watch Rome?

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
For those on the other side of the pond, what did you think of Season 2?

And if like me you are in the UK, how are you taking to it it so far? We're about halfway through right now.

I am, not so keen mself. Oh there have been sections or certain eps taht still have it, but it is nowhere near as consistent as the first season.

I was originally rather disappointed when they announced that it would end here, but if this is the style and approach to the plot they are taking, so be it.

Just a request, if you are going to post spoilers, maybe best to warn people and chagne the font colour to white for those not wantiing to know.

Another forum i go to has these cool little spoiler tags, but they are a custom feature and don't come with VB as standard.
I'm in the U.S. and for me the second season was even better than the first.

I've never had a more satisfying television experience. The entire production was absolutely amazing.

I'll not post any spoilers, but there are some absolutely incredible episodes coming up for you!
the first season just started on sunday.

i really liked the first episode.

great characters, titties, violence....what more do i need?
Season 2 was as good as the first one imo. Still not as good as deadwood imo.
Rome is a decent show, not great, but enjoyable.

Second series I consider to definitely be superior to the first. Story line is better, characters are more interesting, better acting and basically the show just knows what it is about now.

In the first series it was trying to be a kind of docu-drama and didn't do it well.

"THIRTEEN!!!" ;)
Rome is a decent show, not great, but enjoyable.

Second series I consider to definitely be superior to the first. Story line is better, characters are more interesting, better acting and basically the show just knows what it is about now.

In the first series it was trying to be a kind of docu-drama and didn't do it well.

"THIRTEEN!!!" ;)

Hi Niall, just windering what the picture of the weighing scales is all about and also Rome is good.;)