anyone here use soulseek??

It was good when that kind of program was booming, like when everyone was using Kazaa or Limewire, I was using Soulseek...but now, people have moved on..
I use it often. It was marcos, who suggested it I think. I was able to find some rare tracks with it.
For some reason I haven't used it in years, but I loved it. I found everything I wanted there, and I have a tendency to want horribly obscure stuff.
i´m wondering if anyone uses this software to download stuff with and if so could they tell me if its any good.

Soulseek - Slsknet - File sharing software

Used it quite a lot a few years back. It's great if you like electronic music. Vinyls, white labels, stuff that most people generally aren't aware off and won't have access to. I remember i used to get some incredibly rare tracks off soulseek back in the day before they even become popular in the mainstream.

But, it's a true sharing network. If you don't have anything valuable to share, you won't get access to good stuff. Or you'll need to charm someone into letting you grab their shit for free.

Haven't used it in ages as i'm past that stage of having the latest choons before anyone else in my circle does. But it is a good bit of software, especially if you're one of those people who has very selective taste in music ( ie, not mainstream crap that you can get off any decent torrent, warez site).
Oh, and while Soulseek was the last best music only sharing program i used, nothing beats Audiogalaxy (as it was during its prime). It was the absolute best for finding rare tracks. Even better then napster during its prime.

RIP Audiogalaxy...thanks for all the good times. :(