Any Good Reality Shows?


twitter thread suggester
Oct 16, 2005
Are there any reality shows worth watching these days?
Not the Big Brother/Survivor kind of reality shows, but shows like the ones you find on say Discovery Channel.

You're also more than welcome to mention old shows which would be worth a look.
Are there any reality shows worth watching these days?
Not the Big Brother/Survivor kind of reality shows, but shows like the ones you find on say Discovery Channel.

You're also more than welcome to mention old shows which would be worth a look.

You mean documentaries?
You mean documentaries?

Well yeah among other things - take Man vs Wild with that Grylls fella, I believe that's categorized as a reality show - I don't know what else to call shows like that.

I used to like watching Mythbusters, but the constant poor acting and dressing up as characters hasn't done it any favours - don't know if shows like that are called reality shows as well or if they've got another name.
This thread is begging to be booted into the entertainment forum...

But being that you've asked...:)

I've obtained the Screen Writer's Guild certification and copywrite on a concept for a 'Reality Show'.

Hoping to keep the title, 'Inkredible Journeys', you never know what the studios will demand, if it is picked up.

The concept is inspired by three things...

The success of 'LA Ink' - 'The Long Way Round/Down' - and one of my brother's personal journeys across the USA tattooing people.

I've already casted the part with a male and female. They'll be on motorcycles (also, have a monster RV formerly owned by Steven Speilburg) drifting from place to place tattooing planned locations and not-so planned meetings with people along the way. The male character is amongst the most well respected tattoo artists in the world.

The Los Angeles agent/director/producer that I've been working with has taken it to two meetings with the Disney Corp., and they love the idea. But the clown that I've had working on it has been dropping the ball on it, for the past several months. Thus, I am shopping around for another producer that is more capable of making this happen. I spent the past 4 nights at the Baltimore Womens Film Fest. meeting people. Hoping for some reaction soon, from the people I met over the weekend.

But I am patient, and very persistant... This is something that people have gotten very excited about, and I'm not going to give up on it.

Also, hoping to get the first or second verse of this song as the opening credits:

**:lol: That didn't take you mods too long to kick this into the correct forum.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.

This thread is begging to be booted into the entertainment forum...

**:lol: That didn't take you mods too long to kick this into the correct forum.

It was in the entertainment forum from the beginning, Bob.
I think you've just had a Monday-moment.
I heard there was a special mythbuster episode devoted to McGiver. I plan to look it up.