Any fans of Max Payne here??


Full Member
Aug 24, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
They're making it into a movie.

Mark Wahlberg is Max Payne

20th Century Fox has signed Mark Wahlberg to star in Max Payne, a live-action adaptation of the bestselling Rockstar video game that will begin shooting early next year. John Moore will direct.

Variety says Wahlberg is negotiating to play the titular cop who is haunted by the tragic loss of his family and has little regard for rules as he investigates a series of mysterious murders. He finds himself up against an adversary bent on destroying Max and the streets he protects.

The script was written by Beau Thorne. Julie Yorn is producing through Firm Films, along with Scott Faye.
Bullet-time was a great feature in the game, that and the amazing things he came out with...

"Sooner or later it was going to catch up with you. You'd find that lady luck was a hooker and you were fresh out of cash"

"Just another cardboard cut-out bad guy"

"Collecting evidence had gotten old a few hundred bullets back. I was already so far past the point-of-no-return I couldn't remember what it had looked like when I had passed it."

"(in a dream, when it is revealed to him that he's in a computer game) The truth was a burning green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics hanging in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. Endless repetition of the act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feel of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of."

The telephone ringing and the baby crying was just annoying though.

Good game, not sure about it being a movie though.
Mostly they are but I'm looking forward to the planned Metar Gear Solid movie though. Hopefully they don't wreck that. And pity Hideo Kojima is not involved in the movie because of some disagreements so it seems.
Mostly they are but I'm looking forward to the planned Metar Gear Solid movie though. Hopefully they don't wreck that. And pity Hideo Kojima is not involved in the movie because of some disagreements so it seems.

there is a metal gear solid film.

its called Escape from New York
i loved the game...but not too sure about the adaptation..... the game was a brand new FPS experience with all the bullet time and all... the movie might just turn out to be a normal avg action flick!!
As I said in the other Max Payne thread; what the feck is all this with God and Satan and angels and bollocks? Max Payne was never about that sort of mystical shit -- it was good old fashioned criminals and gangs getting blown to shit by an angry, vengeful man!
I doubt it. They were dodgy when released. Can't imagine how bad the first one would be now. I was delighted when I got the 2nd one. Ass-kickery to the Max :p
Out late March/early April, isn't it? I wonder how well it's going to sell given the fact that they haven't made a Max Payne game in nearly a decade. Coukd work either way.