Android OS v Windows OS (Smartphones)


has permanently erect nipples
Mar 6, 2008
Erm... Hello.

I know very little about either of these as I have an iPhone.

Can anyone tell me which is better and why? Or point me in the direction of some kind of site that's done a credible review?


The OS is better and you have a lot, lot more apps and games for Android than you have for WP 7.
so how do these compare to the iphone then ?
The top of the range Android phones are miles ahead of the iPhone.
The top of the range Android phones are miles ahead of the iPhone.

lance thundercnut, i have posted a android question in the android thread of the utmost importance, be off with you and read it, let me know what you think
Android=Google. Does that mean the NSA is monitoring everything you do on your phone?