An Epic Phantom Menace Review.


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006

Words cannot describe the brilliance:

There's 7 parts, and they're 10 minutes long... But I challenge anyone to watch the first and not watch the remaining six.
Honestly you bunch of douches, this will probably be the best thing you'll watch all year.
I don't have this kind of time right now, ok? I'll watch it in the morning.

Do note my thread titled "YouTube" in the general though, cesc. It'll make your night.
The Plinkett reviews are very good. You should check out the Star Trek and Avatar reviews as well. Not as long as the Star Wars ones.
Just finished watching the first one... Everything he says and points out is completely true.
Just watched the first one was pretty accurate tbf although he does drag it out a bit.

We know what a protagonist is and dont need a 3 minute reel of all your favourite protagonists, same goes for directors.