Amir Khan v Mario Kindelan

True White

New Member
Nov 6, 2003
"If there was any justice, my face would be o
Frank Warren on BBC sport site

"You have to take your hat off to him. How many fighters on the verge of maybe signing a professional, lucrative signing-on bonus and so forth would put that at risk by taking such a fight?

I think Kindelan will still be too strong for Amir, and he is taking a huge risk by fighting him at this stage in his career.

On the other hand if he wins there will be no stopping him.

So wise decision or not????
Win or lose, it won't make much difference.

If he wins then great. He beat the mighty Kindelan. If he gets beat then he is still the guy with potential who got beat off the mighty Kindelan.

He will make a shit load turning professional. The public have bought into Kahn big time (rightly or wrongly) and win or lose, he will be box office.

Personally, I think Kindelan is too strong too.