Amazon's buy two games get one free


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
OK guys I need help. My roommate and I are getting three games out of which FIFA 12 is the only game decided so far. The other choices so far are:

Gears of War 3
Red Dead Redemption - Game of the Year Edition
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Deux Ex Human Evolution
Rogue Warrior

I need to pick two out of the list here and I am not sure which two to pick. So any suggestions? And keep in mind all these games are for the Xbox.

And does anyone know which of these games allows two players as in you can play split screens with your roommate?
Red Dead and Deus Ex as far as I'm concerned.

Stay WELL clear of Damnation. Shitty graphics, shitty gameplay... just... shitty.
Ace Combat is what I'd go for along with RDR. I hear good things about Deus Ex but it doesn't particularly interest me.
I looked at a little walkthrough of Red Dead. It did not look anything spectacular. Is it really good to play on the Xbox?
The sandbox world is stunning and it's just plain fun, one of my favourite games ever.
It's part of the game where he has flashbacks to his childhood where he and his brother would play in their sandbox.

:lol: Sandbox is actually a world/map where you aren't restricted as to where you can go, you can explore and roam everywhere there is to go. Like Eriku said just riding around is fun and the panoramic views look amazing. The story is also quite good, I got really into it at least and it's fun hunting stuff. I used to enjoy going online and griefing people trying to do missions, once had a couple of kids in tears with our (my friend and I's) persistent killing of them.
I looked at a little walkthrough of Red Dead. It did not look anything spectacular. Is it really good to play on the Xbox?

One of my favourite games. Why wouldnt it be good on Xbox? Most multi platform games run and look better on that console.

But its a single player so may not be good for you and your pal.

Gears of War 3 is a fantastic game. You cannot go wrong with it

Resistance 3 is a Playstation exclusive so dont buy that for your xbox
Batman, Battlefield 2 and Uncharted 3.....I mean I'm looking at the american Amazon site and those are there.

I guess Fifa instead of one of them, but those 3 you resell for more straight and get Fifa+profitz
Anyways I dont see any buy 2 get one free offer on amazon. I still have a few game sI need to get before xmas and this would be a handy offer
Red Dead is amazing and you will easily get 12-15 hours of gameplay out of that although it sells cheaply now so perhaps picking someone more expensive would be better for that kind of deal. In that case you need to buy Deus Ex, also a long game and a new one so it sells for more. Gears of War 3 as well although I am not entirely convinced by the series.
It's an American offer.....I googled it after I couldn't find it too :(
Rogue Warrior is terrible. Don't even think about it.
Is amazon doing this deal with any games or is it just the ones on the list above?

No the rest of them are older games which cost around $20-30. I'd rather get a $60 game as my free instead of getting a $20 game as free. These were the best shooting games in that list which lasted six pages.
Batman, Battlefield 2 and Uncharted 3.....I mean I'm looking at the american Amazon site and those are there.

I guess Fifa instead of one of them, but those 3 you resell for more straight and get Fifa+profitz

I have an Xbox, so I can't get Uncharted. BF2, I can get it any day for less than $20, so I am not going to waste this deal by buying that.
One of my favourite games. Why wouldnt it be good on Xbox? Most multi platform games run and look better on that console.

But its a single player so may not be good for you and your pal.

Gears of War 3 is a fantastic game. You cannot go wrong with it

Resistance 3 is a Playstation exclusive so dont buy that for your xbox

Oh shit I did not know that. Thanks.
Going by the votes, rules out Rage, Damnation and Rogue Warrior. So that's Fifa 12 and Gears of War 3 so far. So the third choice is between Red Dead Redemption and Ace Combat.
RDR is an amazing game. It's one of my favorite games ever and I probably played it for over 50 hours or something. Even when the main story is finished (which takes a while compared to most games these days) there's still plenty to do to keep yourself entertained.
I cant remember if it can be played with a split screen or not. I only play it myself (and I'm at work or I'd go and check for you).
Ace Combat is what I'd go for along with RDR. I hear good things about Deus Ex but it doesn't particularly interest me.

Same here, I got bored with Deus Ex pretty quickly. Too much stealth crap, the shooting felt poor considering it calls itself a FPS kind of game.

BUT many people love it, I'm definately in the minority.

I also found Red Dead extremely tedious after a few hours play. Herd cattle - go to letter on map - shoot a few men - go to letter on map - repeat. Saying that I don't think I gave it enough of a chance although I like my games more linear in my old age, haven't got time for spending hours doing pointless stuff like skinning squirrels.
Rogue Warrior is shit; my brother worked on it.
RDR is an amazing game. It's one of my favorite games ever and I probably played it for over 50 hours or something. Even when the main story is finished (which takes a while compared to most games these days) there's still plenty to do to keep yourself entertained.

I sadly got 100% in the main game and the zombie game. I wasted many hours on RDR (perhaps even more than 50)

But I loved it, really wish they made more single player DLC's
Is every mission on Ace Combat, a flying mission? And how is the multiplayer in that game?
I sadly got 100% in the main game and the zombie game. I wasted many hours on RDR (perhaps even more than 50)

But I loved it, really wish they made more single player DLC's

Did exactly the same. It's the first sandbox game I have ever bothered to get 100% on. It's the most compelling PS3 experience I've had. Loved it.
I have narrowed it down to two choices for my third game lads. I need your help. Its between Ace Combat and Red Dead Redemption. How is the single and multiplayer in both? Which one if more fun? I want to order it tonight so I can have it by the weekend.