That's not it Eriku. These films aren't made by SyFy, nor are they made purely so they can steal viewers for Syfy. These films are all made by the same company, The Global Asylum. They specialize in making ridiculous films, as well as very cheap rip-offs of blockbusters. Typically they spend anywhere between £50,000 - £500,000 on their films. What they do is when a big release is coming out, i.e War of The Worlds, or 10,000 BC, they release their version, The War of The Worlds, or 100 million BC, or Paranormal Entity etc. All this achieves is that the film is sent straight to DVD, of course, where people will confuse it with the real title, and buy that. They make more than enough to cover their budgets, and in the process have gained a cult following. For example, their release of 'The War of The Worlds' saw Blockbusters make a £100,000 order alone.