All turn to Kopites 26, 1-40 by Plech

"Behold, O Lord, we suffer bitterly, like" :lol:
It's 25 years of famine for them at this stage....
Some new verses are needed.
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Still the best.
But the people looked about them and saw no riches, nor the shining trophies of battle. And they protested unto the Lord, "Where is this bounty then, O Lord, of which Thou fuchen speakest?" And the Lord replied, "Yea, the bounty of the Lord is as the rain, that is drained into the sands of the desert. For it is all gone on the likes of Bruno Cheyrou."

Cheyrou :lol:
Still the pinnacle of human artistic achievement. I don't see it ever being bettered.
Story needs updating, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Slippy and Brentan were arguing over who's going to be Moses and who's going to be Jesus.
"Glen the son of John"
"We're proper sorted now, la we're gonna win the league"
"squandered it on Josemi"
"Muscovites from the house of chav"
"For its all gone on the likes of Bruno Cheyrou"

That and his Berbatov 'article' is the best things posted in RedCafe's history. His skills are way too good for a football forum.
41] And so, the savior returned. And he came unto the Kopites with great vision of triumph. And the Kopites rejoiced.
42] And with him they sought great bounty, an eighth and a cup of ale. Spot on.
43] His work done, Dalglish would leave them with untold riches. The Kopites revered the almighty Carroll, a giant tailed beast with a penchant to a Newkie Brown. They lauded an all powerful Christian. Poulsen. 'Who the fuch needs Maskaraaaano anyway, like?'
44] And then came Brentan, as the prophet foretold, to restore the greatness of the Kopites. They were tired and thirsty, but the Messiah spoke unto them, 'You can live without water for many days, but you can't live for a second without hope.'
45] And then he bought Borini.
46] The spring came, and the famine continued. And the people came unto the Lord, 'O Mighty Lord, why hast thou forsaken the Kopites? We starve amongst the Young Boys in Europa and that.'
47] Yet the land was still barren, but for a sprouting Branislav tree. And the Lord replied, 'Thou must not eat fruits of the forbidden Branislav, or face a 10 game ban.'
"And there was laughter across the land".

An incredible piece of work given the perfect ending with the best line of all.