All other sport is crap.

What is there to discuss? A persons opinion?

If you don't like it........
Actually I don't rate golf. I don't want to ban it forever though. I might give it a try when I'm old.
Don't mind watching international cricket and rugby. Can't stand the club stuff though.

Nothing at stake hardly.

I find myself thinking that as well at times.

But it isn't. It's just that I've not got the passion for any other sports.

I enjoy watching top quality athletics, I enjoy watching some skiing - but that's about it.
I'm with the cnut.

I love a bit of athletics, was watching the golf last night hoping TG would snatch the win and I even like to watch some Andy Murray. I also like a bit of Rugby Union every now and again. But sports wise, thats a last resort.
There are some perfect sports apart from football too. For example: handball. :drool:
All other sport is crap. Discuss :lol:

