Age of Empires II and "The Zone"


Full Member
Jul 4, 2008
Anyone here ever play on there?

I'm going out on a limb here that this is a forum on the internet, and subsequently someone on here must have played this game and its subsequent expansion online.

I used to play on the zone, so much so that i managed to win one or two of the online weekend tournaments they used to put on. Not bad winning £100 on a game eh?

Anybody else here? Were you any good?
It really took it to a different level online,

some of the players on there were so good.

I used to play mainly deathmatch, but i could also beat most people on random map.
Aye I used to play it a lot. Was rated 1850+, which was pretty good. Never did make it to 1900 though. I was also sad enough to download and watch other peoples games, games between 2300+ were immense. Chris was a God when I was younger... :\
I used to be 19 in deathmatch, but couldnt get above 1700 in random map.

i used to team up with a fellow called (lol) SuNo_Daywalker who was also pretty good (better than me) i remember we went a whole fortnight unbeaten, eventually lost to some lads from L_Clan - think it was probably chris.

It was great being able to make money from playing a game, that said, i got way too into it, to such an extent that i'd read up on how to play the mayans and the huns well.

That game was just so incredibly well put together with some units beating others better, the whole pierce damage thing was great.

Can you remember your main zone nick?

I think mine was something deliberately ridiculous such as Darkflame or something!
Played very casually online but preferred offline play. Online was insane aggresive to build as many barracks as possible asap and zerg the enemy immediately as the ceasefire was up, in my limited experience. I preferred a more relaxed (and dare I say realistic) offline game.
I've actually been playing the Conquerors expansion a bit recently, doing the Genghis Khan campaign. I learned more history from these games than I ever did in school.

I never played online though, as I just want build my cities in peace. :(
I've actually been playing the Conquerors expansion a bit recently, doing the Genghis Khan campaign. I learned more history from these games than I ever did in school.

I never played online though, as I just want build my cities in peace. :(

Me too. It was nice for me to see people learn about my ancestor, even if it was from a game.

One of the best RTS games I've ever played. III was good, but I preferred the medieval, non-gunpowder style of battle in II. Ensemble studios had some brilliant developers, and Conquerors was a must have because of gameplay improvements. I always loved building cities behind fortified walls and improving the shit out of my economy. My opponents would be building a big army somewhere, and I'd have to constantly keep auxiliary units around to defend from occasional attacks, but in the end my economic power would overwhelm them with high quality units.

Shame they're out of business, even AOE I was good fun.
I used to be 19 in deathmatch, but couldnt get above 1700 in random map.

i used to team up with a fellow called (lol) SuNo_Daywalker who was also pretty good (better than me) i remember we went a whole fortnight unbeaten, eventually lost to some lads from L_Clan - think it was probably chris.

It was great being able to make money from playing a game, that said, i got way too into it, to such an extent that i'd read up on how to play the mayans and the huns well.

That game was just so incredibly well put together with some units beating others better, the whole pierce damage thing was great.

Can you remember your main zone nick?

I think mine was something deliberately ridiculous such as Darkflame or something!

Never liked DM to be honest. I was a GA or occasionally michi player. Used to love GA, so much micro-management involved. I was never aggressive enough to get to the 1900's though, always hung around grook+ level. The 1900+'s were always a bridge too far on open maps. Got Destroyed by L_Clan and _W_ more time's than I care to remember.

I can't remember many of my nicks to be honest. I was a bit of a cnut and used to smurf people regularly towards the end of the zone. My last nick was HHB_Earl. I only joined HHB a week before the zone was due to close, and invented the name to see how high I could get in a week. Got to 1820ish I think. I miss the zone, I think people still play on the new zone, but I haven't played in so long I would probably be dreadful.

We should have a redcafe game sometime, could be a laugh. Although
I used to play a lot of multiplayer with friends, but I can't imagine I'd do very well online. I was maybe the best at it among our little group, but I never tried playing online.

I'm a huge strategy fan, but rarely does that mean I play online. I save that for the shooters, where I can actually do very well. I play some strategy games against mates, but we also like playing together against the AI, perhaps stacking the odds a bit in difficulty and number of enemies.