Age of Empires II: Age of Conquerors


Aug 18, 2003
Only around where Top Reds are!
What a game this was/is...

Used to remember playing it almost about a decade ago, and now have gotten to playing it again actually online and really hooked....Random maps with teams are a LOT of fun. Just wondering if anyone else on here used to play it or still play it? Very very addictive!

I haven't had the pleasure of playing any version AFTER AOE 2....but I hear they were not too bad at all..

Usually use the Teutons as my civilization nowadays cause they just have almost all the technology available to them......
I actually started playing this last week for the first time in years.


hahaha i played tins online last week to think wow look at the way the game runs so smooth....then i remembered i used to play this online with 56k dial up :lol:
i was so good at this game, about 1850 in DeathMatch and 1750 in Random map.

Its probably the best game ever made, i remember playing epic 6 hour green arabia games against suno and zoltron. good times.

its like scissor paper stone but with stabby swords.

Teutons were bloody crap! slow cavalry, crap archers, and the teut knight was such a sitting duck for multiplayer games.

I was good with the mayans in death match, but i think i played as the goths in random map

where are you playing it these days?
Saladin was my favorite.

I nearly shat myself in the final game though, the computer at one point had about 50 paladins and 10 trebuchets outside the city