

Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
Coming to the US apparently. Brilliant news, since i've looked forward to this game since i heard about it. Not everyone's cup of tea, but i know it's the type of game i'd enjoy playing yet admire looking at, at the same time.

This is assuming us in the UK would be able to import it, as i read it would be through PSN as opposed to being released in stores
Just saw that this game has been released in The Netherlands - am assuming it is out in the UK too?

This is definitely one of those games that you will either enjoy or dislike, but I personally think it is a welcome change of pace to the more common types of games.
It's being released in the Europe? I wasn't aware of that. It must be a disc based version for the US if National Geographic are the publisher surely? It's a Sony Japan Studio game that SCEA simply doesn't think will sell. If it was to be a PSN game, why would Sony need a publisher for it?
I picked it up yesterday and actually really enjoyed it.

Totally different to most other games on the PS3, so no point comparing it to MW2 or Uncharted 2, but it is a very relaxing experience!

The animals look very good (as does the lighting - although some of the textures could do with improvement) and even early on, there is great satisfaction in getting a fantastic shot! The game also went down very well with my 4 year old son - although he prefers to run up and scare all the animals away...

Be curious to see other people's opinions on this. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I welcome the fact that some different games are being developed (even if we had to wait over a year for it to see the light of day in Europe).
I'm in Holland, so not sure if it is out yet in the UK. But the cover and manual were in English, which is not usually the case with games over here, so would have thought it was out.
Is it possible the store that you bought it from imported it from the US? Does it say National Geographic on it?

It has the Nat Geo logo on the back of the box (and there is a Nat Geo resource section within the game itself), so could be a possibility...

I will have a check of the box tonight to see if it can shed any light.
what was the verdict on the game from people who got it then? only heard about it recently and it looks like an interesting change in pace to what we are used to seeing from a game. graphically the clips i have seen so far look amazing. i am thinking about ordering a copy but im not too sure tbh