Music Aerosmith calls it quits

With half decent production Dream On would've been a great song.

Their other songs are just a bit dull.

Rest easy, boys.
About time. Stopped hearing them after MTV wasn’t a thing anymore. That Liv Tyler / Alicia Silverstone video was peak aerosmith for a little boy.
About time. Stopped hearing them after MTV wasn’t a thing anymore. That Liv Tyler / Alicia Silverstone video was peak aerosmith for a little boy.
Many a sock ruined over that video in my youth.
Made a career off the back of the Final Countdown, never reached those heights again.
RIP. I remember when Californication was on The Box all the time.

Presumably the weird creepy melting guitarist has quit to spend more time in his other weird creepy melting band with Johnny Depp.
They did well considering their guitarist had to spend most of his year on the snooker tour.
I guess their last tour left them Jaded.

Dude looks like a theydie was such a good tune.
Their finest moment was them soundtracking Affleck being strapped to a rocket and being fired into the sun.
I'm surprised a rock band would quit because their singer is no longer able to sing.

If that was the case there would be no rock band left touring.
Toys in the Attic and Rocks are two of the greatest hard rock albums of all time. They went downhill from there and never came close to being that good even with their 80s back from the dead era.
saw them live a few years ago. They're great performers and couldn't believe how active Tyler was while banging out high notes pitch perfect throughout.
They’re actually still active and they could still end up recording new music, it’s just that they’ve retired from touring.
Thank you Cleveland..
Having sex in an elevator was a thing apparently.
Meh, I'm not going to mock this. Not a band I'd list on my favourites, but they did something and Tyle/Perry are true artists. Tyler especially did something with that voice and it was 100% an instrument when you look into how he changed it.

The people mocking this will one day do the old "back in my day!" shit all the old folk do anyway. Only it will be about the likes of the fecking Arctic Monkeys and Snow Patrol :lol:
Meh, I'm not going to mock this. Not a band I'd list on my favourites, but they did something and Tyle/Perry are true artists. Tyler especially did something with that voice and it was 100% an instrument when you look into how he changed it.

The people mocking this will one day do the old "back in my day!" shit all the old folk do anyway. Only it will be about the likes of the fecking Arctic Monkeys and Snow Patrol :lol:
Yup. Scary thought.