Adverts at the bottom of the page


Full Member
Apr 15, 2004
Not sure if its changed, or its only just annoyed me, but the adverts at the bottom of the page are above the next page buttons etc... its highly annoying. Is this to entice people into clicking on shite adverts? Or is my overly active imagination playing tricks on me?
Some decent adverts might help then, i'm not exactly interested in a chakra test at the moment. So the adverts have been moved and i'm not going mad? I feel even less inclined to click on them now.
KaiserSoze666 said:
Not sure if its changed, or its only just annoyed me, but the adverts at the bottom of the page are above the next page buttons etc... its highly annoying. Is this to entice people into clicking on shite adverts? Or is my overly active imagination playing tricks on me?

Use the firefox browser and install the script blocker given as an add on to it.It would remove all these ads and gives you a clean view. But whenever you post or edit you need to manually click the intermediate link to submit in message boards.


Wait for two more months when my bug free ad/script/flash blocker would come up live in the official site. :smirk:
Already use firefox but that just sounds like too much work. Can't the adverts just be moved out of the way where they belong?
Keep clicking and you will see I am correct.

Niall assures me that it is so.
KaiserSoze666 said:
Already use firefox but that just sounds like too much work. Can't the adverts just be moved out of the way where they belong?

Its not much work. Just open this link with your firefox and click install now

It would get installed in couple of seconds.

You must then close and open the browser you can find a option button just above status bar. Click the button if you need to adjust the settings for selected sites.

But its shite as it completely fecks up navigation in some sites but usually suits well for message boards - you must either manually click the <click here if your browser doesnt redirect yadda yadda> link whenever you post or sign in as scripting would be completely disabled


click the option button and click allow scripts for - with that you can get rid of the ads alone. With no scripts you get a different/ad free view even for sites like yahoo and msn. But my toddler which would soon enter the testing phase is more intelligent and user friendly. :angel:
"But its shite as it completely fecks up navigation in some sites"

Thats the bit that seems like too much work. The adverts should just be at the bottom out of the way where they aren't pissing me off.
REVELZ said:
Is it that pay per click thing?
If all 7,000 members keeped clicking the same ad for 1 hour, Niall would be a millionaire. ;)
Except that many clicks would probably earn him about a fiver at best