Am I the only person who doesn't much rate Aaron Sorkin?
The West Wing is very enjoyable, but it's basically sentimental soap-opera pap. The quick-fire dialogue is fun but it's not exactly His Girl Friday.
The Facebook film was really boring. Which set of smug millionaires will get to become billionaires? Watch them bicker round a table, with flashbacks to them bickering at other tables over the years, to find out.
I like Sorkin, but I didn't get the Social Network. Part of it's problem seemed to be it was based on a book by, and thus based around sympathising with, the Garfield character, who didn't actually seem do anything at all. He was portrayed as the sort of wronged good guy of the piece, yet even the film couldn't quite convince us he'd done anything to deserve half of facebook besides "being a good fried", so it had to resort to making everyone else look like a flying cnut to justify it.
I can't imagine this being any more riveting. Though it'll probably be better than the one with Ashton Kutcher in it.
I hated Social Network. It wasn't that bad on it's own but relative to the hype and reviews it got it was hugely disappointing. I didn't think there was enough of a story to tell to make a movie about, really. But that didn't matter for many people because at the back of their minds it being about Facebook made up for the story being drab and pointless. The same will probably happen on this one. People will, in their heads, find the story fulfilling on the basis of it being Steve Jobs. Although, to be fair, his life story is probably a lot more interesting than Mark fecking Zuckerberg (the "Nerd who stole an idea", oooh the twists and turns).