Aaron Sorkin fans..rejoice! This looks good


Aug 18, 2003
Only around where Top Reds are!
If you found The West Wing, and Studio 60 brilliant...well this seems mouth watering..
Been looking for a show to watch for a while now, so glad this is on the way..

The fact it's on HBO probably means it will probably survive if there's a lull in viewing figures after the initial burst. Studio 60 was actually a decent show, though once it became apparent it was to be cancelled it become rushed and stuffed with plotlines that had raced ahead too quickly.
Looks interesting, will definitively be watching out for this. I may watch West Wing through again, I loved that show.
The fact it's on HBO probably means it will probably survive if there's a lull in viewing figures after the initial burst. Studio 60 was actually a decent show, though once it became apparent it was to be cancelled it become rushed and stuffed with plotlines that had raced ahead too quickly.

That didn't help Deadwood.

This looks great though, more riveting yet smug champagne liberalism from Sorkin.
That didn't help Deadwood.

This looks great though, more riveting yet smug champagne liberalism from Sorkin.

Deadwood completely passed me by. I'll acquire it soon and have a look.
Either I'm psychic or there has been another thread on this.

Looks good, I like Sorkin.
That didn't help Deadwood.

This looks great though, more riveting yet smug champagne liberalism from Sorkin.

Deadwood was so expensive to make. That was it's main problem. The setting was all completely authentic there and the actors had to live together where they were filming. Took a lot out of everything. The end product was arguably the best TV series ever but it was too expensive. I'm sure it would get better ratings now to keep up with the high expense due to DVD/BluRay sales and HBO being more popular.
Deadwood completely passed me by. I'll acquire it soon and have a look.

It's fecking brilliant. Ian McShane plays one of the best characters seen on TV and him and one whore are so great at acting angry. It gets funny as well in season 2. Then for us United fans there's the United history connection with the cast.