This is a travesty of a man, a man who is friends with Jeremy Clarkson, a snob of the highest order, a man with a face more punchable than Adrian Chiles, a man of dubious politics, morals and taste. And yet...
I read his tv column in the Times of a Sunday and he's the best tv critic around. Every fibre of my being yells out that I should despise his pretentious, wordy ramblings but I don't. 90% of the time, he's spot on. And bloody funny. This weeks musings on the royal family brought another reluctant chuckle from the pit of my weary, cynical stomach. No link, apologies. Just saying.
I read his tv column in the Times of a Sunday and he's the best tv critic around. Every fibre of my being yells out that I should despise his pretentious, wordy ramblings but I don't. 90% of the time, he's spot on. And bloody funny. This weeks musings on the royal family brought another reluctant chuckle from the pit of my weary, cynical stomach. No link, apologies. Just saying.