A sub-forum for Tom Clare / United History


Full Member
Nov 6, 2005
His articles and posts have been a pleasure to read, and he's brimming with historical knowledge of our club.

I think there should be a sub-forum for Tom to post his historical articles in, as then it won't get lost in a melee of threads, of which 90% are rubbish.

Even if it's not a sub-forum for Tom himself perhaps having a "United history" forum would be great with older posters giving their experiences from as far back as the 60's or 70's or containing tributes to some of our greatest legends.

I think if it's all in a separate forum, it's easier for younger posters as myself and first-time users of the forum to access this wealth of knowledge.

Thanks. :angel:
noodlehair said:
It's not a bad idea

I may yet claim I thought of it

I really think you should. Recent caf opinion polls show your popularity is on the slide noodle.
Good idea. It's good to read a lot of the older posters such as Robbo and fred who had 1st hand experience of the 70's and 80's and a few others who was around before then.
The Kippax Kid said:
yes i do :devil:

i went to games then,fish boy:(
You still don't count. You're female and scum so you don't count.

It's the way the world works I'm afraid ;)
A fantastic idea.

Shane, Fred, Tom, and quite a few others have great stories to tell of their supporting of United over the years.
How about it mods? Or would it be too much strain on the servers?

Like that?
Barbara Charles said:
We are not "older" posters, we are merely more knowledgeable posters.

I only meant "older" in comparison to Revelz, *** he can't be more than 14. But yes, I was refer to posters like yourself - wise yet blessed with eternal youth.
If I had my way there would only be one forum. And in fact only one thread.

This is partly, of course, because I am not entirely sane, and my way is rubbish.