A Song Of Ice and Fire


Reserve Team Player
Nov 6, 2003
Normally I hate fantasy. I detest the Lord Of The Rings books and the movies. But holy crap, did the first book of the SoIaF Series blow me away. George RR Martin is a fecking genius. I'll start Book two this week. Anyone else reading the series?
You know this has already been discussed in the book thread at the top of this page...Never really got into it to be honest, though that may be partially down to me reading them in a back to front order.
Bump. For people who wanna discuss the books. Plenty of threads concerning the show.
I just bought the first on Kindle because of this thread.
You won't be disappointed.

Though there are "places" you could get it for free. Not that I know of them ofcourse.
Hold on, you don't like LOTR but George R.R Martin is a genius?
