A Serious Man


Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
Watched this film last night.

What does that first scene has to do with the rest of the film? I didn´t get it...
Watched this film last night.

What does that first scene has to do with the rest of the film? I didn´t get it...

I feel the same about 'The Knowing'

Got well into it and found it pretty spooky/thrilling with all the predictions and disaster and then....
aliens? tree of life? whispers in childrens heads? ridiculously huge flying saucers?

left me confusled
Serious man is a great movie. Havent a clue what the start meant though. Right over my head
I thought i was a good film. The first scene made me fell like an ignorant though...
Good movie with a brilliant wtf?!? ending.

There's a pretty excellent summation of what the movie is about in Plechs post at the top of page 290 in the movie review thread.
I was planning to watch it, but then I saw that Richard Kind was in it.

You refuse to watch Toy Story 3, The Station Agent, Curb Your Enthusiasm, the upcoming Luck also?

Yeah, A Serious Man, great film, really great, obviously a lot of jewish stuff thrown in, but even without getting some of that, I still loved it. Much better than both Burn After Reading and True Grit for me.