a question.....

Wobbly said:
Another question. How did someone so stupid ever become a moderator?

How did a decent bloke all of a sudden start acting like a total prick to go along with looking like one?
Roy Smithers said:
I wasnt even acting like a wanker. Its you spitting your dummy out everytime someone disagrees with anything you say. Your on some kind of powertrip.

With anything I say?

I don't think so, it's when people like you try to cause trouble, and you fecking well know what you are doing, always with a dig, It's easily solved!
It's actually interesting looking at your post statistics Roy, they have very little to do with football. Should you not feck off somewhere else?
I'm not causing trouble you started it when you said i was on your stick or something and I hadn't even done anything. I'm sure if any of the other Mods have anything about them they could look through these threads and see that for themselves unless you go on a editing spree.
WeasteDevil said:
It's actually interesting looking at your post statistics Roy, they have very little to do with football. Should you not feck off somewhere else?

Thats probably why I spend most of my time in the general is that not what its there for?
It is, but why are you on a football site to do that?

I also love the fact that I cannot find a post of yours that actually grows long enough to make a paragraph. A paragraph is several sentences linked together in a block with a common linked single topic.
Very good Roy, you strung together two sentences. Shall we try three tomorrow?
Interesting that the man that never logs out has logged out 2 minutes after making a post!
Roy Smithers said:
great year that as Cantona was born :devil:

Also the greatest country in the world ever won the greatest trophy in the world ever.