90's Action Movies

Dyslexic Untied

Full Member
Feb 28, 2006
Die Hard, The Rock, Con Air, Face/Off, Broken Arrow etc.

They don't make movies like that anymore do they? Action films these are just not the same, don't know why but action movies were better before.
Funny you should start this thread. I watched 'The Last Boy Scout' again t'other night and enjoyed it very much.

The days are long gone when a bloke could save the world with a mismatched partner, a revolver and a few pithy one liners. Shame.
The Last Boy Scout is indeed an action masterpiece.
The Rock, Con Air and Face/Off are the holy trinity of 90s action films! I love them all.

Broken Arrow is pretty good too.
Die Hard is an '80s action movie. '80s > '90s.

Well it's from the late 80's and nr.2 and 3. are from the 90's, so I included them.

Point is anyway, that action isn't made the right way anymore. Too much effects, not simple enough characters and less action.
I want a film where the main character is not good looking, not a muscleman, does not know karate and is not Jason Bourne, but still kicks ass for fun.
I want a film where the main character is not good looking, not a muscleman, does not know karate and is not Jason Bourne, but still kicks ass for fun.
'Taken' wasn't bad for a recent effort.
A few more good ones: Under Siege, Bad Boys, Demolition Man, Speed, the Matrix.
Matrix doesn't fit the bill IMO. Not a pure action movie as it brought so much more to the table.
Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is not Enough or reflected the nineties action genre.
It's funny how the rock keeps appearing in the last few days, I randomly mentioned it last week and my dad was arguing the plot I described didn't exist (I couldn't remember the name) needless to say I won.
Prime Arnie is an action GOD.

By the way, you mentioned Total Recall, meaning I am obliged to post this:

And you also sneaked Last Action Hero in there, so you better believe I'm posting this:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Independence Day or Speed yet, they are immense.
Hopefully Sly will save us with his new effort titled the expendables. In the 80's you saw all the action. Now they seem to shoot everything in a blurred style full of camera movement so you only get a rough idea of what happened.
The Bourne films would have been much better if given an 18 certificate and you could see some arms snapping and heads exploding.
Boondock Saints was '99. One of my top five films of all time probably
Boondick Saints is class, must give it another viewing. Willem Dafoe is fantastic in it. Have you seen the sequel?

Yeah I have the sequel. It's good, starts off a bit slow, even a little bit silly to be honest, but when it gets going it's another cracking film in its own right. Not as good as the first one, but still bloody good. Plus it has Julie Benz :drool:
Funny you should start this thread. I watched 'The Last Boy Scout' again t'other night and enjoyed it very much.

The days are long gone when a bloke could save the world with a mismatched partner, a revolver and a few pithy one liners. Shame.

I absolutely love that film, used to have it on DVD but lent it someone and never got it back the bastard.