50 Cent's new look

Did you see Christian Bale in The Machinist ? Similar insane weight loss ?

Bale didn't start out that buff and I also think he's constantly shot in certain light and conditions in that film that exaggerate his thinness.

I really don't think it's possible to go from being as built as 50 cent was to being that emaciated in that length of time...

Anyway, the pictures look clearly retouched to me...
He probably just:

1. quit the 'roids

2. developed a massive meth addiction.
I take my hat off to him. Yes we know he is far from being a great actor (maybe even good) but to attempt this type of method acting is ballsy. I hope it goes well for him tbh.
Bale lost 63 pounds for his role. More impressive than 50cent imo, regardless of whether the pics are real of Photoshopped.

Christian Bale's Weight Loss for The Machinist: This Dedicated Actor Lost a Whopping 63 Pounds to Play the Lead in This Movie - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

This is was in American Psycho just before the Machinist. He was pretty jacked, lost weight and beefed up again for Batman begins

This surely can't be good for somebodys health.
Bale lost 63 pounds for his role. More impressive than 50cent imo, regardless of whether the pics are real of Photoshopped.

Christian Bale's Weight Loss for The Machinist: This Dedicated Actor Lost a Whopping 63 Pounds to Play the Lead in This Movie - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com


The Machinist is a fecking brilliant film. Has the same feeling of isolation and impending doom as Taxi Driver.

Also both movie titles are the profession of the main protagonist...
Bale lost 63 pounds for his role. More impressive than 50cent imo, regardless of whether the pics are real of Photoshopped.

Christian Bale's Weight Loss for The Machinist: This Dedicated Actor Lost a Whopping 63 Pounds to Play the Lead in This Movie - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com


Don't get me wrong, both efforts are no doubt impressive. But 50 cent's is a photoshop job and Bale here has his shoulders pushed back and his cheeks sucked in to exaggerate the effect. Plus lighting artists working to make every shadow on his body make him look on deaths door.

I'd be more impressed by 50 cent if he for once demonstrated some talent for something...