5 stabbed in Dublin | 3 of them children


Gumshoe for hire
Feb 13, 2012
Didn’t see a thread on this so feel free to delete/merge if I’ve missed it.

Horrific incident in Dublin City centre today where a woman and three children have been stabbed, with the woman and one of the children seemingly seriously injured.

Huge shock around at the minute. Fingers crossed all are OK.

Gardaí have their suspect and aren’t looking for anyone else.
Sounds like a stalking or domestic situation. Horrible stuff. Hope everyone comes out ok.
Title sounds like you’re looking for recommendations
News is that people jumped on the attacker and gave him a while hiding. Shouldn’t have stopped
Apparently we’ve already reached the thoughts and prayers stage

Tánaiste (deputy prime minister) Micheál Martin says he is "deeply shocked" by the incident.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with all those injured, their families, friends and the emergency services who responded so quickly at the scene," Martin adds.
Rumours are that it was an immigrant. Oh oh
No surprise these rumours are swirling given that Ireland has turned into a racist shit hole. We shouldn't be giving any air time to these rumours, let's wait to find out the facts. Absolutely horrific incident and I hope everyone is okay.
No surprise these rumours are swirling given that Ireland has turned into a racist shit hole. We shouldn't be giving any air time to these rumours, let's wait to find out the facts. Absolutely horrific incident and I hope everyone is okay.
Yeah fair point
No surprise these rumours are swirling given that Ireland has turned into a racist shit hole. We shouldn't be giving any air time to these rumours, let's wait to find out the facts. Absolutely horrific incident and I hope everyone is okay.
Agree that folk should wait awhile before sounding off but from early reports the incident has more similarities to others that have recently occurred around large Euro cities than domestic fallouts.
You really can't blame people for suspecting it's an extremist attacking random targets.
From the Irish Times:

There is a new statement from An Garda Siochána, which says that “preliminary indications are that a male attacked a number of people on Parnell Square East”.

It confirmed that five casualties have been taken to hospitals in Dublin, including three young children, an adult female and an adult male.

“One girl aged 5 has sustained serious injuries and is currently receiving emergency medical treatment in CHI Temple Street,” it said.

“A boy aged 5 and a girl aged 6 years, who received less serious injuries, were brought to CHI Crumlin for treatment. The boy has since been discharged from CHI Crumlin.”

The children’s parents are receiving Garda support, they said.

The woman, in her 30s, is being treated for serious injuries at the Mater Hospital, while the man, in his 50s, is also being treated - though the statement only identified that he was at “a hospital in the Dublin region”.

An incident room has been established at Mountjoy Garda Station and a senior investigating officer has been appointed.

“An Garda Síochána is following a definite line of inquiry. The male in his 50s is a person of interest in this investigation. An Garda Síochána is not looking for any other person at this time,” it went on.

An Garda Síochána continues to have an open mind at this early stage of the investigation.”
No surprise these rumours are swirling given that Ireland has turned into a racist shit hole. We shouldn't be giving any air time to these rumours, let's wait to find out the facts. Absolutely horrific incident and I hope everyone is okay.

Far right getting 20%+ of the vote in Finland,Netherlands,Denmark,Sweden,Switzerland etc.

In ireland they get around 0.3%. Ireland has very few racists compared to elsewhere. All the evidence suggests that racists are a tiny minority in Ireland.
Agree that folk should wait awhile before sounding off but from early reports the incident has more similarities to others that have recently occurred around large Euro cities than domestic fallouts.
You really can't blame people for suspecting it's an extremist attacking random targets.
Just stop.
Far right getting 20%+ of the vote in Finland,Netherlands,Denmark,Sweden,Switzerland etc.

In ireland they get around 0.3%. Ireland has very few racists compared to elsewhere. All the evidence suggests that racists are a tiny minority in Ireland.
This is not the thread to be getting into this.
Agree that folk should wait awhile before sounding off but from early reports the incident has more similarities to others that have recently occurred around large Euro cities than domestic fallouts.
You really can't blame people for suspecting it's an extremist attacking random targets.
If it is then I don’t think we’ll hear about it for a while. When the Stabbing of the German tourist happened at Dublin Airport they put off naming him for a week odd for the same reasons
Agree that folk should wait awhile before sounding off but from early reports the incident has more similarities to others that have recently occurred around large Euro cities than domestic fallouts.
You really can't blame people for suspecting it's an extremist attacking random targets.

The Gardai have said they don't believe it's terror-related, or related to any wider situations. Just a standalone attack.
This country is about to blow. I can’t see how FFG survive another election, the tensions surpass even the housing crisis at this point
The online reaction in Ireland to media stories about immigration or immigrants always takes me aback, and is in stark contrast to the similar such stories in Britain (which always seem more even handed).

I’m up North so can’t gauge the public feeling and as a general rule one shouldn’t use social media reactions as any sort of barometer for general public sentiments on issues. With regards to this issue however is there a correlation in your view?
The online reaction in Ireland to media stories about immigration or immigrants always takes me aback, and is in stark contrast to the similar such stories in Britain (which always seem more even handed).

I’m up North so can’t gauge the public feeling and as a general rule one shouldn’t use social media reactions as any sort of barometer for broad public sentiments on issues. With regards to this issue however is there a correlation in your view?
Watch Danny Healy Rae shouting his head off today in the chambers about vetting
The online reaction in Ireland to media stories about immigration or immigrants always takes me aback, and is in stark contrast to the similar such stories in Britain (which always seem more even handed).

I’m up North so can’t gauge the public feeling and as a general rule one shouldn’t use social media reactions as any sort of barometer for broad public sentiments on issues. With regards to this issue however is there a correlation in your view?
Where I’m from and who I’m talking to, villages and towns in Ireland are having their population doubled with refugees. People are being kicked out of their homes to accommodate said refugees due to the money the government pays out. In my hometown the poor people were let out of busses at midnight miles from their destination and told to walk it since protestors can stop a bus but not those walking (which was incredibly dangerous)
It doesn’t help that the concerns about the sheer number of people we took in was dismissed as being racist or far right and these concerns ended up becoming valid to the point the government themselves admitted it was simply too much.
We are taking people in and forcing them to live in tents because we haven’t got the accommodation. It isn’t fair on anybody and I know it’s a racist dog whistle but in this instance I believe a lot of people when they say I’m not a racist but..
Villages and towns are seeing their communities invaded by piss poor planning with the belief most of the refugees aren’t even being vetted.
It’s a shit show from top to bottom. In Donegal we have a housing crisis and our homes are falling down due to Mica yet they’re still sending many refugees up here. Where are people supposed to go when their homes are being rebuilt?
How we handled this will ripple down through generations and we haven’t handled it well.
If anything social media downplays the tensions, a lot more harsher words are being used away from a public platform. As we speak protestors are rushing the hospital they believe the attacker is in. It’s madness
Where I’m from and who I’m talking to, villages and towns in Ireland are having their population doubled with refugees. People are being kicked out of their homes to accommodate said refugees due to the money the government pays out. In my hometown the poor people were let out of busses at midnight miles from their destination and told to walk it since protestors can stop a bus but not those walking (which was incredibly dangerous)
It doesn’t help that the concerns about the sheer number of people we took in was dismissed as being racist or far right and these concerns ended up becoming valid to the point the government themselves admitted it was simply too much.
We are taking people in and forcing them to live in tents because we haven’t got the accommodation. It isn’t fair on anybody and I know it’s a racist dog whistle but in this instance I believe a lot of people when they say I’m not a racist but..
Villages and towns are seeing their communities invaded by piss poor planning with the belief most of the refugees aren’t even being vetted.
It’s a shit show from top to bottom. In Donegal we have a housing crisis and our homes are falling down due to Mica yet they’re still sending many refugees up here. Where are people supposed to go when their homes are being rebuilt?
How we handled this will ripple down through generations and we haven’t handled it well.
If anything social media downplays the tensions, a lot more harsher words are being used away from a public platform. As we speak protestors are rushing the hospital they believe the attacker is in. It’s madness

Far right getting 20%+ of the vote in Finland,Netherlands,Denmark,Sweden,Switzerland etc.

In ireland they get around 0.3%. Ireland has very few racists compared to elsewhere. All the evidence suggests that racists are a tiny minority in Ireland.
Portuguese Far Right will probably reach 15% to 17% according to latest polls which is depressing. Portugal was always known as a tolerant country where the Far Right had no real representation and now they are about to be the third most voted party of our political system.
Far right getting 20%+ of the vote in Finland,Netherlands,Denmark,Sweden,Switzerland etc.

In ireland they get around 0.3%. Ireland has very few racists compared to elsewhere. All the evidence suggests that racists are a tiny minority in Ireland.
Racism is definitely growing in Ireland, they're just waiting for the right sort of party for them to come along and I have no doubt those numbers will shift upwards.
There’s a difference between being racist and being fed up with what foreign nationals are doing in this country, Ireland has become overrun with foreigners and they are not being checked or vetted when they come in. Why shouldn’t Irish people question this? We are known as “Treasure Island” because foreigners come here, avail of our social welfare system, don’t contribute to society and then a small number of them commit horrific crimes like this today and what happened to poor Ashling Murphy.

Every single foreign national who comes here, pays their taxes and contributes to society is welcome. But these freeloads are here for financial benefit only.
Is there data on this?
There’s a difference between being racist and being fed up with what foreign nationals are doing in this country, Ireland has become overrun with foreigners and they are not being checked or vetted when they come in. Why shouldn’t Irish people question this? We are known as “Treasure Island” because foreigners come here, avail of our social welfare system, don’t contribute to society and then a small number of them commit horrific crimes like this today and what happened to poor Ashling Murphy.

Every single foreign national who comes here, pays their taxes and contributes to society is welcome. But these freeloads are here for financial benefit only.

Good thing us Irish would never do such a thing in any other country. Keeps us nice and secure up on our high horse.
Portuguese Far Right will probably reach 15% to 17% according to latest polls which is depressing. Portugal was always known as a tolerant country where the Far Right had no real representation and now they are about to be the third most voted party of our political system.
I think that's an illusion, to be honest. The racists simply didn't have just one place to vote, now they do, but racism was always there. You only needed a 5 min chat with the random CDS voter to know they were racist.
Every single foreign national who comes here, pays their taxes and contributes to society is welcome. But these freeloads are here for financial benefit only.
Hard to distinguish between them at first though.
And some homegrowns have been gaming it for generations.

I’ve been hearing a bit about ukrainains gaming the system and at the same time you have some black folks working their arse off to make a living.
I do think the govmnt needs to be involved in sorting it out. Maybe they need to guard the doors better at least until it gets sorted?
Hopefully all recover and the attacker spends a very long time away from sunlight.

Also, can someone take the Ireland: Is it racist now? Stuff to a new thread. I've a few thoughts on the subject, or Europe as a whole and it's funny seeing some already play out in this thread. But it's not the right place and I don't want to start it as I am not Irish.
Are there any statistics around how many immigrants find work and how many immediately fall into the care of the welfare?

Anyway, I always find this kind of rhetoric unhelpful when something horrific like this has happened because it’s hard to shake the whiff of using the horrific incident for one’s own gain, whether it be political or social.

Anecdotal evidence isn’t particularly useful either. When I lived in Dublin, every single foreign person I met was a hard working tax paying member of society, but then again I lived in central Dublin and rarely strayed too far out from city centre.