Giggsy PO

Wimbledon Prediction Champion 09
Aug 22, 2004
Any news about the 7th season? fecking strike.
Nothing new, wont be aired till its completed which will be once the strike is over.

fecking shit. I got season 6 for Christmas so ive been getting my way through that to keep me going!
They should not release the trailer...I am already bored of it. :wenger:
Jack Bauer (Forgot his real name) is in gaol at the moment.

it looks superb, Tony is back. I wonder what will be the explanation.
Any news about the 7th season? fecking strike.

Saw this the other day...

Question: Any news on the return of 24? — MB

Ausiello: Well, although Fox hasn't confirmed it, I'll go out on a limb and say Jack Bauer isn't returning this season. Even if the strike ends tomorrow, the earliest the show could get back on the air is this summer — and there's no way in hell Fox is dumping 24 onto the summer season. That leaves the network with several options, none of them ideal. One solution is to just kick off Season 7 next January, but by then Jack will have been in hiding for nearly two years. Another, and much more controversial, scenario being bandied about involves taking the eight episodes currently in the can and creating a 10- to 14-episode mini-season to air in the fall. That would be followed by another 10- to 14-episode mini-season — featuring a completely different plot — during the second half of the season. Opponents of that idea have argued, and rightly so, that by splitting the season, you're essentially compromising the show's unique, 24-hour conceit. Proponents, however, argue that these are desperate times. And sometimes desperate times require throwing out the rulebook. I can see that point as well. What do you guys think? Would you rather wait until January and get a traditional uninterrupted 24-episode season? Or would you prefer getting the show back in the fall, even if that meant splitting the season up into two shorter, self-contained chunks? Or do you have another solution? Weigh in with your thoughts in the Ask Ausiello Discussion Thread. I have a feeling Fox will be interested in what you have to say.
Got to be honest, think i'd wait till next Jan and air it properly rather than mess the show up with mini seasons. It will be a painfull wait but im more than sure it will be worth it.
No, he is not.

Taken from wikipedia.

On October 9th, 2007 Kiefer pled no contest to the DUI charge and agreed to complete the 48 day jail sentence in a prison in December 2007, including Christmas and his 41st birthday. He has opted to spend 18 days in jail during 24's winter break in late December and early January and return to jail after production wraps up. However, production has already been suspended due to the Hollywood writers' strike so he would instead be in jail for 48 days consecutively. Kiefer Sutherland officially began his jail term sentence as of the 6th of December 2007.
Got to be honest, think i'd wait till next Jan and air it properly rather than mess the show up with mini seasons. It will be a painfull wait but im more than sure it will be worth it.

There's also the movie to fit in somewhere....I read that the script is finished, but production won't happen during the show's hiatus this year. More likely in summer 2008.
I would like it to be the final point in 24 before they close the book for good, which im sure it will be. All though i guess its quite odd filming the film before the series has even finished but if the script is done then why not but from my understanding don't they usually have the script writers on set to help with the interpretation etc?

The movie its self is either going to be a "before 24" scenario,of Jack in his special ops days or wrapping up the show as im not quite sure how else they'd do it with the whole "real time" thing, 2 hours to have a disaster and save the world is pushing it even by jacks standards, or so i read anyway.
Hey guys, I couldn't care less about Kiefer Sutherland. It is Jack Bauer who matters...:D

I would also rather wait a year (:mad:) so it could be aired properly.
I'd hate for them to make 2 mini-seasons, but I highly doubt that would happen, just rumours I think. Anyway Season 7 looks amazing, and if it can reach the heights of Season 5, were in for a cracker.
Kiefer Sutherland is released from jail

Hollywood star Kiefer Sutherland has been released from prison after serving a 48-day sentence.

Sutherland, 41, walked out of the Californian jail at 12.05am yesterday.

He had served his entire sentence for his second drink-drive conviction and violating his probation.

The 24 star spent Christmas, New Year and his birthday behind bars and was only visited by his lawyer during his stay.
This article lies, I went to see Mr Sutherland on Christmas, New Year and his Birthday, I bought him all 6 seasons of 24 aswell.

Anyway, hopefully the writers' strike will finish soon and they can finish the rest of the show asap. (Although it looks like January 2009 will be when it airs)
Just on the last few episodes of the first season. Decent show. Nice quick pace and some interesting storylines. Pretty gripping stuff.

But some of the acting is bordering on amateur. Kiefer Sutherland literally cannot act and Dennis Hopper has about as good an ear for accents as Helen Keller. Also some of the plot holes mental. But the show trundles on regardless.
Just on the last few episodes of the first season. Decent show. Nice quick pace and some interesting storylines. Pretty gripping stuff.

But some of the acting is bordering on amateur. Kiefer Sutherland literally cannot act and Dennis Hopper has about as good an ear for accents as Helen Keller. Also some of the plot holes mental. But the show trundles on regardless.

The first is the best by a mile, it's all hopelessly downhill from here on.
Just on the last few episodes of the first season. Decent show. Nice quick pace and some interesting storylines. Pretty gripping stuff.

But some of the acting is bordering on amateur. Kiefer Sutherland literally cannot act and Dennis Hopper has about as good an ear for accents as Helen Keller. Also some of the plot holes mental. But the show trundles on regardless.

Ignore cina.
I bought season 1-7 in the summer for a reasonable price.

On disc 5 of Season 7, which is the worst by quite a way. Kinda forcing myself to watch it ready for when I get the last season.

But apart from 7, the rest have been fecking outstanding
I bought season 1-7 in the summer for a reasonable price.

On disc 5 of Season 7, which is the worst by quite a way. Kinda forcing myself to watch it ready for when I get the last season.

But apart from 7, the rest have been fecking outstanding

I thought from about episode 8 or 9 of Season 6 it started to go downhill. Season 7 was good in parts but nothing spectacular. 8 I thought was very good and I thought they ended it very well.

Any news on the movie?
I just started season 8 and Freddie fecking Prince Jr. is in it. This is bullshit.
I find it hard to watch. I always get stuck in it at some parts but then suddenly something very stupid happens and I lose interest. Have about 4 or 5 episodes left of season 2. Haven't watched it since the last stupid part. And Kim is fecking annoying. Why is she so hot :(
I just started season 8 and Freddie fecking Prince Jr. is in it. This is bullshit.

Season 8 towards the end is insanely good I thought. Up until about episode 17/18 it's fairly good with a few silly plots (typical 24 that though), but it had a very strong ending I thought.

I want the movie.
Season 8 towards the end is insanely good I thought. Up until about episode 17/18 it's fairly good with a few silly plots (typical 24 that though), but it had a very strong ending I thought.

I want the movie.

Yes and yes.

Have faith, the movie will appear. It's far too big a cash cow for it not to.
Season 8 towards the end is insanely good I thought. Up until about episode 17/18 it's fairly good with a few silly plots (typical 24 that though), but it had a very strong ending I thought.

I want the movie.

Couldn't agree more with Season 8, it ends up being a classic, one of the best.

I have began watching the lot from season 1 again, absolutely love it
I picked this up a while back for £90, which I thought was great value for the whole 24 collection.

Am currently halfway through S3, am enjoying it lots
Season 3 is the best.

The one where he goes undercover with junkies IIRC?
Season 3 is the best.

The one where he goes undercover with junkies IIRC?

Yup, realised I took quite a risk clicking that spoiler, shan't be doing that again, even if it was a bit of a thrill, gambling with whether it would actually spoil anything
Does this get gradually better? I watched season 1 quite some time ago, and it was quite ok. But then I started watching season 2, and there was something with a President (that unlikable black guy) and atomic weapons, so I lost interest.

Is it worth sticking with?
I thought the writing got much better in the last 2-3 seasons.

What's the movie gonna be called? 2....
Think I'm officially going to give up on this after episode 222. It looks a good show but then awful writing in every 6 or 7 episodes ruins it.

I mean the beating of the foreign agent by rednecks.
Every single Kim Bauer plot.
The hacker dude stabbing Mrs. Palmer.
How Jack escaped after being dead because the bad guy killed one of his own and ordered everyone else away to deal with a notorious freakin monster of a man and a dude with cyringes containing bunch of lethal stuff, all on his own.
Jack recuperated like Superman after kryptonite had been removed from him.
Secret service guy accidentally almost killing a very important member of the presidents staff after having no legal presidence of holding her captive in the first place.
The Carrie Turner character.
The secret meeting and how it took place.
This is only from the past few episodes. I'm only two episodes away from finishing the series and it doesn't make me want to.
Similar to LOST. That was a bad show with equally many plot holes. Like a prime time soap opera.
1>3>2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5 > 4 > 8 > 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6

Yeah the show took a nose dive when they randomly to decided to "shake it up" with cast changes. Wished they would of kept Robocop around for longer though, could of been a really cool Nina-esque pain in Jacks back.
I just finally got finished with this. The final season was utterly awful. The finale was about as shit as it could possibly be without starring Nicolas Cage.
Actually I take that back. Matthew McConaughey could have been in it. What a massive cnut he is.