1st Track off my debut E.P

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Hi Folks

I need the Caf's support. It concerns my friend's brand new website Most Rated. The 1st track off my debut studio EP 'Funeral Frank' is up on the website and so if anyone is interested in hearing it read on...

It's actually quite a unique idea. The website features bands and musicians in 3 key areas of the UK; London, Brighton and Bristol. There is also another category for bands beyond these areas. Needless to say I am in the London category.

The website works almost like a radio station for up and coming acts with a 100% original take. You can't just go on and pick any song to listen to by any band you happen to click on. The point is to encourage people to listen to a set list that the website choses based on popular demand. So say for example everyone went to my profile and gave 'Funeral Frank' 5 stars, it would increase that song's chances of being played.

You can also chose an option whereby the website emails you to tell you that 'Funeral Frank' is going to be played in say...5 minutes and provides you with a link to the song. So you know when to go on if you wish to listen to the song.

I would ask that you go to the website and sign up for free (Most Rated). Then go to my profile (Aidan Parle), rate my tune a whopping 5 stars and chose to be notified when it's about to be played. Then go back on and have a listen.

Give the other bands a listen too by clicking on 'listen now.' There is some really good stuff on there and it gives you a chance to discover unheard of original bands in your area.

Many thanks folks.
Good work kinks, production is nice on it too. What are you playing here? singing of course but some of the musicianship is excellent and whoever is whistling there can certainly whistle a tune!

Cheers man. Glad you like.

I sing, whistle, play acoustic and there is also a bouzouki I play during the chorus. I had other players in for drums, double bass, electric guitar and accordion.
FranklyVulgar, I also recommend you join up as a musician and put up some of your music in the "other areas" section. It's a really good way of gaining exposure
I can't find the tune, will appear via the on-site radio?

Also, is it a record label Kinky?
In order to hear the song you have to click into my name on the London charts. Last I checked I was 6th but it all depends on votes. Within my section you rate my tune and click on the tab that asks you if you'd like to be informed when Funeral Frank is about to be played. You'll get an email alert when it's going to be played in 5 minutes. Just log on, listen and rate.

The idea is to get people away from what other sites are doing like myspace for example. It tries to encourage the listener to spend time on the reeling radio in order to get to know new bands that may not have ever had a listen if you went in looking for a specific artist.

It reminds me of the old days when you'd listen to the radio station with your finger on record making a mix cassette. You'd have to spend time and in the process you got to know loads of other bands.

It's all too easy these days which takes from things I feel

MostRated aren't a record label, they're a promotional company if that's what your question was
Nope. Most Rated is the only website it's on. Come on Pogue, it's not hard.

You Sign Up, you activate your account from the email they send you, you login, you see my name on the chart, you click into my account and you give Funeral Frank 5 Stars. Also tick that you want to be reminded when it's about to be played. Then don't worry about it until you see it's about to be played via an email alert. A link will be provided within the email that tells you it's about to be played. Just click on it, sit back, have a wank and whippy doo

Everybody happy :)
3rd ! Feckin class. That means I get to play the next showcase if I remain there. Thanks again to all those who voted
Ok, so I've gone through all that rigmarole, got an email that your song is about to play, clicked "Listen Now" and not a peep. Damn thing is completely silent. Wtf?

Have you checked the cables at the back of your computer are all connected?Turn your computer and modem off for 20 seconds and reboot accordingly ;)

Or just turn yer speakers up
Done, waiting to be notified... I'm a musician too... cannot wait to listen to your tune...