10,000 Bc

The people who review the films said it was utter shite! It's a film kids or young teenagers would enjoy, you know with all the grapics!
Saw the trailer and gathered it was a bit pants from there
it was a good movie, nothing special, but better than most crap today. There was one questionable scene, but other than that, it was ok
Who would have thought? After the stunning brilliance of the original perhaps we should have suspected that a remake wouldn't quite hit the mark.
Fine..you horny feckers.


Thanks Jatin. I am about to catch it with the Missus as she has a voucher. Think we'll watch Horton the elephant instead.
Roland Emmerich school of direction:

1. Think of a decent idea
2. Spend $250m on effects
3. Spend $100 on a script
4. Achieve decent box office, but awful critical review
5. Repeat