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Viewing thread F1 Season 2025

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  • Hi. My name is Graeme. I am Scottish and I live in Thailand with my 18 month old son and wife. Thankyou for your response. It sounds like you will have experienced some things my son might face if we move to the uk.
    Hi Graeme - lovely to make your acquaintance, my name is Ben. More than happy to answer any questions you might have and share my perspective - just let me know if there's anything you'd like to know! Granted there's the caveat that I was born in 1987 so some things might be out of date - but if there's anything I can help with please feel free to ask!
    Hi Ben. Are you glad to have grown up in the USA and the UK? Is there a part of you that feels that you're life would be better if you were raised in Korea?
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