Recent content by Spark

  1. The Trump Presidency - Part 2

    Silver lining of Canada being annexed is that it's 60 guaranteed electoral votes for the dems. What negates that is the only way Canada is being annexed is through a full US dictatorship under Trump, making the above moot.
  2. New Stadium | 100k Stadium to be built - design visualisation released

    Love the ambition! (Winning 3-0)
  3. New Stadium | 100k Stadium to be built - design visualisation released

    Glad leaky roof was in the brief!
  4. The Trump Presidency - Part 2

    Oh yeah Ukrainian communists will never get in.
  5. The Trump Presidency - Part 2

    Can see Trump’s economic decisions having the same impact on the US economy as Brexit has. Unless you're a woman. Then you are unelectable.
  6. Westminster Politics 2024-2029

    The outrage does feel very "minimum wage will destroy employers" that bandied about in the late 90s. (Just on a smaller scale, because VAT on private schools is hardly the revolutionary policy that a minimum wage was).
  7. Man United's Premier League record when winning at half time at Old Trafford - 294 Wins, 25 Draws, 0 Defeats

    We really should have won that - a combo of an outrageous Raya save and some shit finishing. Which is a better feeling than I had at half time when I was expecting this record to be lost.
  8. Post match vs Arsenal

    Fantastic second half. Feel robbed of watching United beat Arsenal, in an Arsenal pub. Strikers are a bit shit. Heaven looks the tits, needs a run to show it isn’t because he’s trained for hours against the Arsenal first team.
  9. Manchester United vs Arsenal

    Agreed, but with all the help in the world he’d still be shit. It’s getting ridiculous now.
  10. Manchester United vs Arsenal

    Yeah will be grim. Will maybe feel slightly better at them not winning the league, assuming usual obnoxious and entitled Arsenal fan behaviour.
  11. Manchester United vs Arsenal

    Watching this in an Arsenal pub in London tomorrow with my Arsenal supporting mate. Sadistic of me.
  12. Has the US awakened the sleeping giant?

    How do you tax wealth? It's perverse that there is a considerable number of very rich people, outside of the income tax system, who are consistently looking for "return" on their large cash holdings. This then puts significant downward pressure on businesses to stretch margins, which inevitably...
  13. Has the US awakened the sleeping giant?

    A good way of doing that would be to cut taxes on work and significantly increase taxes on wealth. That is the only way to "pull the bottom up". The biggest issue is wealth inequality and until that is fixed, it's going to continue alienating the vast majority of people in the UK (and Europe)...
  14. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    That isn't a security guarantee, it's an assumption.