Worst goalkeeper I've ever had the misfortune of watching regularly. Severely lacking absolutely everything except handsomeness. I know I keep saying it, but goalkeeper needs to be our number 1 priority for a rebuild. Moreso than a striker, even...
Came on and upped the tempo considerably (not difficult, admittedly). We were going nowhere and doing nothing before he came on the pitch. Very selish, but when you look at who he has to pass to in the box I guess it's understandable.
This feckin guy man. Bring back Vitek. Or Kovar. feck it, recall John O’Shea from retirement. Anybody but this clown, I can't stand seeing him in goal for us. We may as well just start every game with a 2 goal deficit.
It's all well and good moaning about lack of service, but he just doesn't make runs. If such a simple element of the game hasn't been coached into him by now it likely never will.