Recent content by Shane88

  1. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    "The cartel" is just the same buzz word shite you see in American politics. The elite, deep state, the swamp etc. It's just some nameless antagonist they can blame because they can't accept they're not really supporting a regular football club.
  2. Gaming Yakuza and Judgement (series)

    Some? There is 10% earnest conversations about the plot. The other 90% is karaoke, tearing your shirt off to fight lads, cracking bikes off skulls, more karaoke, a chicken real estate manager, darts, phone sex and this lad.
  3. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    If the tide turns then Sky will quickly turn and be the moral vanguard for football. They'll have Neville in a cape on the steps of Wembley giving a speech.
  4. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    Have to laugh at the media suddenly getting all high and mighty. You're the cnuts who brushed this aside and kissed their arse for a decade. Waxing lyrical about their style of football, gushing over Guardiola, saying they're the best PL side ever, praising City on their podcasts for having the...
  5. The Overlap | The Funniest Stick to Football EVER! MythBusters Special EP 32

    Too busy with his new mates on UCL Today.
  6. Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

    Scavenger's Reign. Holy shit, this is brilliant if you like sci-fi/weird alien shit. There was a sequence in episode 3 that had me totally transfixed.
  7. Film Peaky Blinders Film

    Probably true. They did a movie follow-up to one of the greatest TV shows ever with Breaking Bad and it was eh. But if they have Tom Hardy trying to talk with 10 marbles in his mouth in it for loads of the film, it'll be worth watching. "ToMmmAAAAyyy."
  8. General Election 2024

    A young person making a bold statement against a vile charlatan? No, just another nobody social media influencing. Link?
  9. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    That's what the real sportswashing is. It's not "We're winning trophies, love us." it's being the "benevolent" overlords helping the community and forcing them to become dependant on them. That's how you get real loyalty.
  10. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    They're so inconsequential and their fanbase is so small that companies like Dominos and Paddy Power feel free to rip the piss out of them without fear of a boycott backlash.
  11. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    Not really. The vast majority of them dream of being courted and swept off their feet by some sheikhs. They won't want to eliminate that possibility by punishing City.
  12. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    They're just nothing. Even their ginger ghoul "legend" is consumed by greed. £400,000 a week and it's still more, more, more.
  13. Gaming Elden Ring - Fromsoftware

    This is basically Elden Ring 1.5 by the looks of it. 8 new weapon types 100+ new weapons previews were able to play 2 legacy dungeons, but they said there's more and a lot of hidden areas at least 10 new major big bosses, but there's plenty of side minor bosses too in side dungeons and roaming...
  14. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    "Between 10 and 12 clubs have stepped forward in support of the league." We better be in that bunch.
  15. Film Godzilla Minus One

    So you're saying Godzilla was misunderstood?