Roane's latest activity

  • Could be wrong but from what I know it's not that simple. My brother knows a Prem footballer really well. City player. He told him a few things is never considered. Things have changed a lot since Fergie days and player contracts. Player...
  • I can't disagree with people who want him out, man I've wanted him gone immediately after some of our performances in some games. That all said I do wonder if it's worth sticking with him for 1 more season. Not least because we save a sum of...
  • Roane replied to the thread Euthanasia.
    I have friends who had a younger brother who was involved in a car accident nearly 30 years ago. He had been in a coma since. Passed away a week or so ago. It was a relief of sorts. This isn't my first experience with long term coma and then...
  • I remember reading, when Martial went on loan, that his injuries were due to one injury not being treated properly during Ole reign. It was said by the club he was loaned to. Anyone shed light on that?
  • Oh no doubt. SG was a powerhouse of a player. And maybe he felt he had to do what he did as those around him were not of a similar level. It's interesting how he played when Alonso was with him. Also Torres to a degree. He seemed to change...
  • I will probably get slated here but Bruno kind of reminds me of Stevie G at Liverpool. Now no one can say SG was a bad player. He was Mr Liverpool. Similarly you can't say Bruno is a bad player, albeit he isn't at the status level SG held at...
  • Wouldn't make much sense. Gareth can't be talking about these things with the euros coming up. Hell be tied up until mid July and we need a good summer for transfers etc. If nothing else the timing would suggest this isn't real/true
  • Whilst I don't know the inner workings of this decision, I'm not sure it's "wrong" on the face of it. What I mean is we have inklings of a rotten culture at UTD albeit the players is what we know most about due to press etc. However it could...
  • Roane replied to the thread Mason Mount's Misfortune.
    Mount is a player who would do well in a City and Arsenal type team. I see enough in him to see a player who keeps shape, follows instructions, finds space and is good with a pass. Sure he isn't quite up there at UTD yet but I give him the...
  • Roane replied to the thread Mason Mount's Misfortune.
    Yeah I thought so too. As I said above some of what he tried didn't go as planned and for new that's just lack of game time and dare I say players around him. The issue I have, and this may set the cat amongst the pigeons, is that I have seen...
  • Roane replied to the thread Mason Mount's Misfortune.
    I wasn't keen on signing Mount and believe he has a lot to live up to now we have signed him. Injury hasn't helped. However there is something about him that I do like and hope once he gets going he will be an asset. When I say something about...
  • I read this thread a lot but don't comment much. Find it a little too much at times with the responses. That said I am kind of picking on your point here, but genuinely as a question/discussing point and not to have, what I feel happens often...
  • Roane replied to the thread Simon Jordan on English media.
    That's fair enough mate. Each to their own. I just had more interaction with going into the office. Made more friends over the years. More of a social life even. I really think this helped me with family life and the time spent with them...
  • Roane replied to the thread Simon Jordan on English media.
    I don't get working from home. Work is all.about being out of the house for me. You go in, put in your 9-5 and come home, hopefully to a family. It's separation for me. My home is not workplace and vice versa. During Covid my brother...
  • After a game I get so frustrated that I want him gone. But I think same for certain players. Then I think about it and think NO give him time. And here are my reasons. I don't think that because of the injuries. I think that's too simplistic...