Recent content by Penna

  1. Donald Trump - GUILTY!

    Biden could have made more impact with his speech yesterday, where he called out Trump for his tantrums over the verdict. He seemed hesitant and was stumbling over his words at times. Sigh.
  2. Donald Trump - GUILTY!

    I read yesterday that one option would be house arrest, although that's not such hardship for a rich man with a very big house. It might stop the rallies for a while, of course.
  3. Manchester City vs Manchester United

    He's auditioning to play Henry VIII.
  4. Euthanasia

    I just watched it. I felt exactly the same about the woman doctor in Canada, she was terrifying in my opinion. She was revelling in her work. I liked it when Liz Carr's wife was saying "don't sign anything, don't drink anything". Honestly, it seemed so easy to get approved that it wasn't really...
  5. Nurse Lucy Letby - guilty of murdering 7 babies - whole life sentence

    Exactly, it's kind of back to front. "Look at all the babies who died when Letby was on duty, see if any other nurse was on duty for every one - no, only Letby". However, if you included deaths where she wasn't on duty, you might have found another nurse's name who was present for (say) 5 of...
  6. 50 Years of Freedom in Portugal

    Great post! Coincidentally it's also Liberation Day here in Italy, which marks freedom from Nazi occupation.
  7. P Diddy

    Prince Harry's name appears, as a "well-known celebrity associate" of Diddy. No doubt he won't be happy about that.
  8. Music Legendary radio DJ Steve Wright has died

    This is presumably a sudden death? It's very sad, may he rest in peace.
  9. Dad

    That's a lovely tribute to your dad, Phil. May he rest in peace.
  10. Out of control dogs/dog attacks

    I definitely feel for the dog owner after watching the vid, he looks like a broken man.
  11. Out of control dogs/dog attacks

    I reserve the right to call sentient killing machines "monstrous animals". There are also some monstrous humans. I have some sympathy with the dogs, as they are acting on instinct and know no better. If you have an XL Bully that doesn't eventually turn on you or someone else, I'd say you're...
  12. Out of control dogs/dog attacks

    Seeing as it's now an offence to breed these animals (they're all supposed to have been neutered or spayed by now) or sell them, I hope people who ignore the law will get an appropriately heavy prison sentence when someone is maimed or killed by their dog. I won't hold my breath, though.
  13. Out of control dogs/dog attacks

    Some drill rapper who was also a dog breeder owned the XL bullies which killed that poor woman in Jaywick. There was also a litter of puppies. The owner must have known the new law was coming into place, and still bred these monstrous animals. Now there's 6 more puppies which will presumably...
  14. Privilege in its many guises

    No I don't think so. It's just that I didn't live in a tiny village in England where everyone knows everyone else. Having said that, I wouldn't really want to live in England again.
  15. Privilege in its many guises

    Going right back to the opening post, the scenario described is a constant reality for women and girls. It's always something you think about. You're brought up to be aware that you're always taking a chance if you're out at night on your own. I remember when the "Reclaim the Night" movement...