Recent content by nimic

  1. Donald Trump - GUILTY!

    That's just meme stocks and crypto. Most people who buy will lose, but they're struck by FOMO (fear of missing out). Trump being involved is just one more layer to it.
  2. Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 13-14 | Stats! | Mavericks are champions - Caf in shambles | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Josh Smith
    Threadmarks: Stat Bonanza (2013)

    Stat time! Stats are regular season unless stated otherwise Total regular season points (per game) Top 5 --- 38 387: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (24.6) --- 33 272: Solius (27.3) --- 31 419: Wilt Chamberlain (30.1) --- 30 791: Michael Jordan (24.9) --- 28 704: Tim Thomas (24.0) Cafites in the top...
  3. The drug war in Mexico and the cartels

    It's not just exaggeration, the US really is different when it comes to the drug crisis. Opioids really did a number on that country.
  4. Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 13-14 | Stats! | Mavericks are champions - Caf in shambles | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Josh Smith

    I'll do a bigger stats thing later (tomorrow probably), but until then we can remember the fallen soldiers. @oneniltothearsenal (1996-2013) @reelworld (1998-2011) @sebsheep (1999-2009) @Stobzilla (1998-2007) @The Cat (1998-2011)
  5. Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 13-14 | Stats! | Mavericks are champions - Caf in shambles | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Josh Smith

    Potential is bound to change, probably for the better since I start you guys so young.
  6. Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 13-14 | Stats! | Mavericks are champions - Caf in shambles | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Josh Smith
    Threadmarks: 13/14 Draft and Free Agency

    2013 Draft and Free Agency @altodevil @hobbers @Solius @P-Nut @The Cat @Salt Bailly @oneniltothearsenal @Dan @Dr. Dwayne Draft sontodevil (PG 72/83 you build-abusing son of a bitch) is drafted by the Memphis Grizzlies. That means Solius will team up with altodevil's son! Has our 5x champion...
  7. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    :lol: <- that one
  8. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    Most of them are for condescension. :confused: :boring: :annoyed: :) :wenger: :rolleyes: :nervous: :+1:
  9. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    You vastly underestimate the power of :lol: The rest I can do without. Though I miss the one this incredible specimen replaced: :nervous:
  10. Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 13-14 | Stats! | Mavericks are champions - Caf in shambles | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Josh Smith

    For a near pensioner you're still playing really well. You actually had the 8th highest PER in the league, somehow. Your Warriors have a few younger players that might get better too. Or not, as it were.
  11. Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 13-14 | Stats! | Mavericks are champions - Caf in shambles | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Josh Smith

    @Solius still eager to leave? Last chance for any of the olds or bads (those are the technical terms, I'm so sorry) to have your son in the draft. Otherwise I can still put them in at the start of the season.