People like to exaggerate how 'shit' teams are.
Obviously Arsenal, Chelsea City, haven't been great but they're not objectively shit.
They're Just not as good as they have been.
What is the metric to judge whether someone is shit or not...
Well it's kind of an oxymoron, assuming legends generally have to win something substantial so you wouldnt be a mid table club.
Unless you were mid table and randomly had a striker scoring 30 goals a season, but also had a defence that...
Possibly,. But then Legends status depends upon your club stature.
If a small midtable team wins a couple of cups with a player that carries them through season after season then it's possible fans will see that eras players as.legends as...
It's either crazy or a sign of the times Bruno is even mentioned in this vein.
He's a decent player, and great in the odd moment, but lightyears from being a club legend.
I've seen United teams since the mid 90s. Teams packed full of legend...
The problem is this isn't just complaining bexause he's not in a Top four battle or a few poor performances.
They are complaining because he has turned an average team into an awful one.
At times United are playing worse than Southampto...
I've seen quite a few managers come and go, part and parcel of being a Chelsea fan but I Must admit this is probably the poorest I've ever seen a new manager perform, particularly one that was highly touted.
It's 100% not all down to the...
Assuming this wasn't a disingenuous post, what exactly has he done to make anyone think he is the 'right guy'?
Other than a few good press conferences he has literally done everything to show he is the wrong guy, and I'm really bemused as to...
Yes I speak generally rather than just in relation to the forum.
I think firstly historical context cannot be taken into account where actual law is concerned... Although to be fair I am not claiming that anyone here has actually said that, but...
Again, the problem here is that attempting to get the vast majority of the public to understand complex social nuances is urinating in the proverbial wind.
What is happening is what has been happening for years now.
Historically the...
Do I think white people have it tougher than others. No. I
Do I think white people have it tougher than black people in the USA. No.
I mean even if I thought it was equal, which l don't, I never claimed they had it tougher.
The problem is...
I agree that the charge was ridiculous for what it actually was,
For a start she isn't black, she's just as much white as she is Indian, and she also has some fillipino lineage, so it would almost be like me saying it, with some alter ethnicity...
History existed and cannot be changed, the only thing that can be changed is the future. Creating resentment or any inequality creates a divide that will ultimately result in a swing in the political spectrum as already seen around the world...
See now I agree with this, but the problem I have with this from a political standpoint is that the are other aspects of the political landscape backed up by stats equally as damming that if mentioned are either shut down or whataboutery...