Recent content by Fingeredmouse

  1. Television Doctor Who

    Last two have been far better than the opening two. Loved 73 yards, although I'm not entirely sure it made an awful lot of sense.
  2. Westminster Politics

    The weather provided metaphor is incredibly on point.
  3. Television Doctor Who

    Oh, I'm fully with you on that. The show constantly changes, but there are core elements you need to retain. Hopefully, it'll calm down and get back to the basics soon.
  4. Television Doctor Who

    I wouldn't go as far as terrible but the first episode was not great and the second turned into fecking Glee. RTD has credit in the bank though, so I'll give it time.
  5. Television Doctor Who

    There were bits of episode 2 I really liked, but the full on dance number at the end lost me. I always struggle with that sort of belief suspension burden. Not a bad start to the season and still pretty optimistic for the remainder.
  6. Film The Lord of the Rings (and other movies that you absolutely have to watch at least once a year)

    Oh, yeah. That's inevitable. I seem to remember in one of the many appendices or commentaries that they mention the compression of that time period and suggest, that for pacing reasons, they don't allude to the time elapsed but that they sort of considered it loose enough that you could...
  7. Film The Lord of the Rings (and other movies that you absolutely have to watch at least once a year)

    I'd assume it'll be about Aragorn and Gandalf, etc trying to track down Gollum in the time period between Bilbo leaving the Shire and Frodo leaving which is (if I remember correctly) 17 years. There's an appendix on this, which they have the rights to, and there was a fan film years ago on this...
  8. Crystal Palace vs Manchester United

    Not that it really matters, but that was a foul on Dalot. Sigh.
  9. Westminster Politics

    fecking hell.
  10. Westminster Politics

    Indeed, but Forbes is at least equally terrifying.
  11. Westminster Politics

    I don't know about you Pidge, but Tory seamlessly blends into Labour feels like a net loss.
  12. Happy Slippy G. Day - 10th Anniversary

    This is true. I was in a terrible hotel in Warrington with a tedious work colleague grinning.
  13. Manchester United vs Burnley

    It's true. Bob Lord was a massive cnut and basically was Burnley. They've a stand named after him. For some reason, I can't seem to post links, but there's a great Guardian article on him from a few years ago that you can dig out if you want to read more.
  14. 250 Academy Graduates to play for the club

    242 to go. Keep it up.