Recent content by Dirty Schwein

  1. Gaming Nintendo Switch

    I found the first K level a bit hard due to the sudden difficulty spike but the rest have been easy enough. Probably because I'm used to playing difficult games like Celeste and Cuphead. Have you tried those?
  2. Gaming Nintendo Switch

    So I'm about halfway through Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. I found it hard to get into because the floaty jump mechanics were causing so many unfair deaths but once I got to grips with that, bloody hell... What a game! Probably the best level design I've ever seen in a platformer and so much...
  3. The MMA thread

    Dustin did as well as he can and had a great career. Islam is just really good and will be hard to beat. But he's not unbeatable. He does get hit a fair bit.
  4. The MMA thread

    If someone wants to fight then sometimes it's better to let them because at least it'll be in a controlled environment. Otherwise they'll start fighting outside bars like BJ Penn started doing. But UFC need to be smarter with how they book them. Surely a fight with El Cucuy makes so much more...
  5. Music Revival - Eminem Album | Also Kamikaze

    If the album is a take from old Eminem about the new woke world, it could actually be fun. And probably get him cancelled but I doubt he'd care too much about that.
  6. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    I'm no award winner bruh. Or a mod. Just a handsome cnut who knows how to use the smiley!
  7. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    Don't want to get in trouble so I'll keep my mouth shut
  8. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    Think we should be able to react to posts with the new smilies if possible? Stops there being multiple quotes with the same emoji etc.
  9. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    Testing... Edit: Yep, there's a way around it. Phew!
  10. Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

    No no no!! Keep going!
  11. Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

    You arsehole :lol: I personally didn't love season 2 but 3 and 4 were next level amazing! I'm watching the series again and about to start season 2 so hopefully I'll get more out of it this time round.
  12. Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

    No, but it looks interesting. I'll see if I can find it and add it to my watchlist. Thanks!
  13. Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

    IF A young girl has to find a way to reconnect adults with their childhood imaginary friends. Starring Ryan Reynolds and featuring a star-studded line up, including Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Emily Blunt etc. This movie is in a strange place as it's too emotional for young audiences...
  14. Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

    Yeah I felt the same. I thought Abigail was ok until they revealed what was going on (around halfway through) and then it just fell off a cliff.
  15. Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

    They're made by the same duo.