Rule vote: Should anybody at all be allowed to bid after the AI puts counter offers out, or should it be restricted to the original bidders? Vote "Yes" for anyone to bid, and vote "No" for just the people who bid before the counter offers are...
Great work Benito. Hereford have a quality side and I they started last season pretty strongly (five wins from first six league games) but the Gold situation for transfers has ruined Phil's enjoyment of the game and he didn't login as regularly...
Great work Benito. Disagree on United being champions but agree with a lot of what you've said. Unfortunately I have had shit luck when it comes to position changes (some clubs have their players keep positions they've not played in for years...
Isak will hit 93 easily.
Used tonight's friendly to experiment if I could sub the same position in different instructions
Will I ever use that knowledge? Probably not.
February update:
Just checked and, for me at least, can set five subs in tactics now.