Recent content by Counterfactual

  1. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    (ahh, nostalgia)
  2. Please welcome our new Smilies!

    Can this be quietly reverted, then we all agree it never happened?
  3. Brighton & Hove Albion vs Manchester United

    We're probably going to set some unwanted records today, chaps! Brace yourself for the stats nerds!
  4. Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

    This thread reads like a discussion of why United are so poor... if the Glazers had licensed more source material, if Galadriel had passed to Højlund, if Erik could write better scripts, if Gandalf hadn't put in a laughable performance...
  5. Manchester United vs Newcastle United

    nothing wrong with a bit of ruff
  6. Player of the Season vote

    I'm voting Benny Hill because they all played like his theme tune was on all season.
  7. Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

    Lord of the Rings for the Tiktok generation, now with Prime ads.
  8. Klopp to leave Liverpool at the end of the season

    [A statement shared on the Jockey Club website simply reads: "This event has been cancelled and will no longer be going ahead."] It's nice that they included a helpful explainer for those who wouldn't know what "cancelled" meant.
  9. 25th May, city in the final: What could swing it in our favour? Scenarios?

    Play the academy players Lucky Deflection, Bribe Theref and Fluky Win.
  10. Erik ten Hag - Manchester United manager / awaiting clarity from the club over his position

    Seven teams have positive goal difference, but not us. We're eighth. It's our position, and it sucks.
  11. Redcafe Snooker

    Well plaid, Jak.
  12. Redcafe Snooker

    Jak trying so hard not to laugh his tits off at that! :lol:
  13. Redcafe Snooker

    I love a bit of psychological warfare around a snooker table.
  14. Dirty Manchester United

    How dirty can an IT department get?
  15. Frenkie De Jong - Part 3?

    I'm not sure he knows anymore. He seems shell-shocked by this season.