Cheimoon's latest activity

  • Yeah, but isn't he already basically on his second run as an up and coming talent? Not that that's a problem, I wouldn't mind another late bloomer like Van Nistelrooij or Stam - but I'm just not too hopeful of him reaching a level beyond Memphis...
  • It's great fun, but I just don't have the time right now to be involved regularly (yes, I know you're not asking me to run it! :D ).
  • Only Yesterday. A 1991 film by Studio Ghibli, but led by Isao Takahata instead of Hayao Miyazaki. It's about a woman from Tokyo in her mid-20s that spends her vacation working on a farm in the countryside far from the big city, and remembers her...
  • Can't believe he called up Blind instead of Maatsen. Terrible decision. Same with bringing WIjnaldum along, but I guess that's OK as long as he doesn't play: there aren't any particular Dutch midfielders missing form that squad. It's also...
  • Cheimoon replied to the thread 2024 U.S. Elections.
    Well, you do already have that centre-right party that ultimately decided not to run because they couldn't agree on a presidential candidate, right? There were some pretty high-profile people in there. When the Republican party starts infighting...
  • There's also the part where you fight what you can within what you know. I don't have time to research every company (not the capacity and ability to learn about all the relevant intricacies) and I have to live my life (e.g., as you said, I can't...
  • Cheimoon replied to the thread 2024 U.S. Elections.
    Or it's the other way round: they know that Trump fans are now the Republican base and need to be catered to - and so they're out-competing each other to show their allegiance to Trump and support of his ideas. But that's a self-sustaining cycle...
  • Cheimoon replied to the thread 2024 U.S. Elections.
    Yes, but there is already a lot of talk there, too, about governments weaponizing the justice system, and so on and so forth. It's not as commonly believed yet in those circles, but it's getting there. And more generally, there are a lot of truly...
  • Cheimoon replied to the thread 2024 U.S. Elections.
    After Trump, there'll probably be a little period of infighting, until another charismatic narcissist rises up and takes his place. The right wing is having this momentum everywhere, the US won't be different. For me, the bigger questions are...
  • "Stop mixing sports and politics!" Every choice has an ethical dimension, Dortmund chose wrong.
  • I watched Atlas yesterday, a new sci-fi action film featuring Jennifer Lopez that was released on Netflix this month. It's getting absolutely trashed in reviews, but the trailer looked alright so we thought we'd give it a chance as our 'dumb fun'...
  • And this is why United should do its societal duty and field a team of criminals of all kinds. I personally think illegal downloading, shoplifting, and tax fraud (moreso than bald fr.aud) are key issues, so which players should United be hiring...
  • That sounds about right. There are some Anderson films I like and some I don't like - but I'm not sure I could always put into words what the difference really is!
  • Cheimoon replied to the thread Music Eurovision 2024.
    The audience cheered out when Ukraine overtook Israel at #1. :)
  • Cheimoon replied to the thread Music Eurovision 2024.
    You do need a bit of jury though. I don't actually know when this was introduced, but in the jury-less 90s, a huge part of points given seemed to be purely about being neighbours, friends, or rivals. The jury vote should be weighted less though...