Recent content by ArcherfromtheNorth

  1. Manuel Ugarte | 2024/25 Performances

    "Fan from Uruguay here. I wanted to get my opinion on Ugarte. Ugarte is a quality player without a doubt, very good defensively and while hes not a creative specialist, hes more than decent on ball. He even played more avanced positions early in his carreer, hes not a límited player at all...
  2. Manuel Ugarte | 2024/25 Performances

    Before him signing, i sayed he was exactly the kind of player United has been missing for a long time.
  3. Manuel Ugarte | Romano - he’s signed | Awaiting Club announcement

    Camavigna isnt nearly the defensive presence Ugarte is. Sexier name on paper for sure but I think United desesperatly needs a different type of player.
  4. Manuel Ugarte | Romano - he’s signed | Awaiting Club announcement

    Thats clearly his weakness. You need more creative players alongside him if you want to be a dominant team like United its supposed to be. Hes more a Kante than a Rodri. That being sayed, he understands the game very well and is secure with the ball. I dont think there is many players elite...
  5. Manuel Ugarte | Romano - he’s signed | Awaiting Club announcement

    Fan from Uruguay here. I wanted to get my opinion on Ugarte. Ugarte is a quality player without a doubt, very good defensively and while hes not a creative specialist, hes more than decent on ball. He even played more avanced positions early in his carreer, hes not a límited player at all...