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  • Come Indonesia and you'll see Muslim leaving their faith everyday. I hate that one of the biggest Muslim country in the world is never mentioned because we're the most moderate in the world.
    I know indonesians are pretty chill but even you can't deny the country is slowly being radicalized. Its the nature of the islam, its made and being used as tool of conquest. Nothing against muslims personally, its just the basis of that religion brings the worse out of its followers.
    How is the nation radicalized? When Bali bombing happen we immediately create task force to fight radicalism. We haven't had any major terorrist attack in years.

    Our president have all been secular muslim, our biggest party are all secular party, and the number of Muslim population by percentage continue to decrease each year. Denying your claim that leaving Islam is punishable.
    What happened to your previous president? Wasnt he dethroned because he wasn't a muslim? I may be wrong and only projecting what is being generally accepted view of indonesia. My apologies my good sir, if i hurt your sentiment somehow.
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