Reaction score

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Viewing thread Victor Osimhen

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  • Hey mate, thank for offering to help.

    Here is the spreadsheet for the previous round:

    It's pretty simple, just game name and total tally.

    Let me know if you have questons.

    Please send back to me after the first 3 pages are tallied, then I will carry on from there.

    Once again, thanks mate!!!
    Dirty Schwein
    Hey mate, yeah send over over your ready, I'll resume from there. Really appreciate the help.
    No problem, happy to help and hope the move is going okay.

    ^File here

    I've added in some titles individually but also included a collective score where it might count as a series (e.g. Civilization). You should be able to see the leading scores by sorting the second column by largest number
    Dirty Schwein
    Brilliant thank you friend
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