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  • Haha sorry got the wrong impression thought you we're being cheeky by comparing Townsend with Ronaldo lol and one more thing can you please get me promoted absolutely sick of talking to the idiot's in the newbies
    KiD MoYeS
    No I can't get you promoted, I wouldn't advise writing on mains posters walls based on a sole post you took incorrectly labeling them clowns as a means either. Good luck down there.
    Stop being a numpty about cuadrado he's quality you clown you've never watched him before obviously
    KiD MoYeS
    Sorry what? Go back and read my posts, you silly tit. :lol: I'm all for the signing. You clown.
    I started to convince myself that the qualities he did have - loyalty, patience, experience in the league etc were huge things we needed, maybe they were if he had been successful or at least not as bad as this. But reality is it means sweet feck all if he can't win games right now.
    KiD MoYeS
    And that's the bottom line, results would always determine his faith.
    Yeah pretty much. I had a convo with Adzzz where we discussed Moyes when he was signed, as being the immediate collapse of United because he was a mile away from what we ened. A week or so later we agreed we were over-reacting and he couldn't be as bad as we were thinking.....shit
    KiD MoYeS
    I was happy to go along with him, I thought he could ride the Ferguson wave 'til Klopp or Pep became available. Miserable failure.
    I'm not....I now feel sorry for Moyes, maybe we should give him 2-3 more years just out of respect for the poor feck.
    KiD MoYeS
    I feel sorry for him in the sense he should have never been appointed in the first place.
    told you he would be sacked this year you slag
    KiD MoYeS
    Haha, well I'm glad you proved correct, Hectic.
    Lol this following business is rando as feck..
    I guess if I follow you I'm going to wake up to 3,000 alerts of your various usage of the boards etc.

    All in all the place looks a lot more modern and tidy.
    Some of these new features are very powerful and I can see it getting out of hand quickly lol
    KiD MoYeS
    Yeah, just means you've a feed of the poster you're following on your profile. Not a bad idea to be honest. The things that don't work out will be scrapped, I'd imagine.
    If I look confused it is because I am thinking.
    Why's that? :(
    KiD MoYeS
    Wayne'll eventually do one. :(
    Oh yeah of course, hope the tagline disappears soon so people will forget WR ever stands for Wayne Rooney!
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