Club Sale | It’s done!

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I was going to chuck out the great Philly Eagles african american TE but your is better.
Yours played for an option team, Oklahoma, in college, but would consistently put up 2 catch, 80+ yards, 1+ touchdown games. They would run the option down the throats of the opposition, then hit a wide open KJ on play action passes. He was a stud in college & that carried into the pros.

I was thinking my post would be too esoteric for here, glad you enjoyed it!
I find a British bid very appealing. Whildt its different to the Glazer approach, I still find the idea of being billions in debt to a foreign bank like goldman sachs somewhat less of a romantic ideal
what, you don't like debt?
The fact that Ineos needs to partner with wall street for financing and is not committed to removing all debt from the capital structure puts me firmly on Qatari's side.

Yeah that and the lack of stadium commitment in any form, plus the whole "British" thing is cringeworthy as heck.
We’d still spend within our means, adhering to FFP. Just means we’d have owners that wouldn’t siphon club-generated revenue to line their own pockets, and leave the stadium and facilities to rot.

Don't get me wrong, I despise the Glazers with for what they have done to our beloved club.
But I feel that everything that this club represents and has in terms of facilities, wealth and following was earned with blood, sweat and tears on the pitch. It is in the very fabric of this club. This is manchester united.
OT may start to leak and rust, but it will be our leaky and rusty home.

Once new owners start pouring hundreds of millions (if not billions) of external cash into the squad, facilities and stadium, that magic will be gone. For example, why would anyone want us to be handed a new stadium, when arsenal and spurs had to bleed to build theirs?

And this is without mentioning all the issues with the source of that money...
Seriously guys, can you give it a rest with the constant hysteria and histrionics. No matter what happens, Man United - our United - will never die.
This was the INEOS Chelsea statement

Bloody hell :lol: Just change Chelsea to Manchester United and there is your bid from INEOS
Now that I think about it, the Ratcliffe approach with 'changeable' price makes sense, since he's in bed with Woodward's former employers JP Morgan.

The guy literally go in with add-ons when trying to buy the club :lol:
Something something casual racism


A major British institution coming back to British ownership wouldn't be the worst thing really. It would actually go against the norm.

In political terms, one of the biggest debates over the past few decades has been the selling of public assets to foreign investors, and while United are not a public asset, they do represent Britian around the world so I don't see a problem on highlighting that Ratcliffes ownership would be British ownership, albeit privately.

At the same time I have no issue with foreign owners simply because they are foreign. Bad owners have no particular nationality at the end of the day.
Yours played for an option team, Oklahoma, in college, but would consistently put up 2 catch, 80+ yards, 1+ touchdown games. They would run the option down the throats of the opposition, then hit a wide open KJ on play action passes. He was a stud in college & that carried into the pros.

I was thinking my post would be too esoteric for here, glad you enjoyed it!

Cheers. My wife's family went mostly to OU. Loved those teams with Holloway etc...
I really detest how Jim brings nationality into it. It's just so gammon and brexity
The potential American consortium/groups
HBSE + Oak Tree, Pagliuca + a guy from Candian, and Liberty media are 3 american groups who we interested and involved at least in looking at the finances
There is nothing left that the Glazers haven't already ruined.

Anything that's survived them would survive this

Yep. The Glazer parasites have brought it to this unfortunate conclusion. Unrelenting greed. Literally no other entity could reach that 5 billion tag and it's downright tragic that some fans will have to now walk away.
INEOS bid is worse than current Glazer ownership. Will add debt to Ineos who need some way to service it. No new money for infrastructure development. No change of existing debt ( Qatar bid specifically mention 0 debt).

But he is bRiTish
What we need from an owneer is two things:

Stadium renovation

Debt free.

The club can take care of the rest by itself.

That would rule out inios from day one.
Ratcliffe's proposal is better than the Glazers. I guess I just want to aim a bit higher than 'better than the worst owners imaginable who have destroyed the soul of the club'

Put your hand in your own pocket Jim, commit openly to serious investment in the infrastructure which doesn't result in yet more debt - no matter which balance sheet it formally sits on
Newcastle and City aren't state owned either, I take it?
Couldn't give a feck about City or Newcastle. So where are your facts? What are your sources? Or is it just the usual bluster being spouted left, right and centre?
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