Ahmaud Arbery Murder Trial / all three defendants found guilty of murder & hate crimes

And now they are going after a juror for "sleeping". Would be on brand for them if that was the only black juror on the jury.
Oh FFS, two of the defence attorneys are now trying to get a black juror removed saying she wasn't paying attention and falling asleep.

Apparently they have been trying to get her removed for days.
So the only black juror. Might as well go full racist I suppose as having a like minded person causing a hung jury is their only strategy.

From what the host of the stream I'm watching is saying they have cynically removed the other black jurors for cause during selection, but not overtly saying its because they are black. Guess they want to finish the job.
From what the host of the stream I'm watching is saying they have cynically removed the other black jurors for cause during selection, but not overtly saying its because they are black. Guess they want to finish the job.

I think the question they asked was something like "do you believe in the BLM movement" if they answered yes they got removed.
I think the question they asked was something like "do you believe in the BLM movement" if they answered yes they got removed.
What would happen if they did but answered no there out of interest? Could they be charged?

And second did they ask all the jurors or just the black ones?
interesting defense by Bryant's attorney. "I don't think the charge of murder is even worthy of a response"
I think the question they asked was something like "do you believe in the BLM movement" if they answered yes they got removed.

It's almost like asking do you believe black lives matter and not wanting anyone who answered yes to be on the jury, which is understandable from the defence point of view.
So, all three defense attorneys gave / are giving closing remarks? I feel for the jury.
wtf is this? Shouldn't this have been presented as evidence? I guess because it is so stupid it couldn't have been?
This is insane. We have now reached the "it was divine providence my client was there". feck that, withou your client providing the initial chase this shit never happens.
I also love how this argument is based on how Bryant apparently can only see what his iphone sees and his head can't move independently.
he's an old-timey simple country lawyer
I only saw the prosecutor close today, but she apparently is a rock star from what I have read.

Oh, and there is no way this doesn't become a classic GIF.